Chapter 24

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Jin started walking towards us slowly, still pointing the gun at Jungkook's head with confidence. I started to pace backwards cautiously whilst Jungkook remained squarely in place. Jungkook showed no signs of fear and continued to glare intensely at Jin, causing Jin to chuckle menacingly. "Okay look, you caught me Jungkook... but just a tinsy wincy bit too late"

"You are such a sick bastard" growled Jungkook. The anger was clearly present in his voice and it radiated around the room. I felt so stupid. I didn't think that somebody would be betraying us on the inside and now my friends and co-players are dead. Jin did this too me. He killed my friends. I thought about how he watched Namjoon and Jimin die with an emotionless face, knowing that he killed them and with no regrets. My hands trembled with rage and unstoppable angry tears started to erupt from my eyes.

"YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS YOU SON OF A BITCH" I screamed at Jin. I shoved past Jungkook and tried to run towards Jin, but Jungkook held me back with his free hand. "I am going to kill you for what you did to me" I hissed at Jin, but all he did was giggle which only made me angrier.

"Well before you do that, I thought you might want to know about this whole game" Jin said casually. I stopped trying to fight Jungkook off me and paused. He had a point. The only thing I had been thinking throughout the game was why I was here. Now I had my chance to listen what had been going on inside Yoongi and this psycho's head. I rolled my eyes and stepped back behind Jungkook again.

"That's what I thought" Jin said, smirking. "Look can we put the guns down because my arm is starting to hurt"

"Fuck that and fuck you" Jungkook replied, although I could see his arm starting to droop from tiredness too. Jungkook rolled his eyes and scowled. "Fine but you have to give your gun to me"

"Hell no, I don't trust you bitch" Jin said with a disgusted look on his face. 

"Well then your arm is going to be up for a very long time..."

"Okay fine we should put our guns in the middle" Jin half suggested, half commanded. When he saw Jungkook become stiff from the idea, rolled his eyes again and scoffed. "If I was going to kill you then I would have done it by now"

"He has a point Jungkook" I said, placing my hand on his side. Jungkook immediately relaxed at my touch and took a deep breath.

"Fine" he said finally. Jin and Jungkook both started to make their way towards the table with their guns still pointing at each other and met in the middle. I held my breath as they both slowly put their guns down on the table and walked backwards bit by bit. I expected Jin to suddenly pick up the gun and shoot us both but to my surprise, that didn't happen. As soon as Jungkook was in arms reach of me, I pulled him back and stepped in front of him. If Jin made any sudden moves, I wanted to be the one to take him down for what he did. I imagined myself taking the gun in my hands and shooting him dead once and for all. My sweet sweet revenge. 

"Right, where should I start?" Jin asked himself. He placed his hand on his chin and massaged it softly in a thinking motion.

"How about why you are doing this" I hissed at Jin. Jin smiled and nodded his head in agreement. He leaned against the wall casually and put his hands in his pockets, as if there weren't two guns ready for Jungkook and I to grab. 

"Let's just say that Yoongi and I have had a long history with authority... negative history" Jin's eyes darkened at 'negative history' which led me to believe that he must have had a hard time with the law and crime and had a rough past. "Yoongi and I used to be super close... so close that our family and friends nicknamed us as Yoonjin whenever we were together"

I furrowed my brows at the nickname Yoonjin. I could never imagine Jin and Yoongi having a seemingly normal life with such a ridiculously cute and weird nickname. They must have had a happy life before they started murdering innocent people. Jin continued: "Our lives were completely normal: we went to school together, excelled in all our classes and we had a very happy and functioning family. Then the day came where our lives changed forever... our house was raided by police and in the process, my father was killed. The police had accidentally raided the wrong house... they never even apologised"

I let out a sad breath and looked away from Jin. My father had died too so I knew exactly what losing a close family member felt like. The fact that Jin's dad was taken away from him by people who we are all supposed to trust was shocking. I imagined a teenage Jin crying over his father's lifeless body and the police not giving a shit. It must have been traumatic. However, Jungkook showed little to no care. "Okay, so get on with the story... we don't have much time left"

Jin glared at Jungkook and cleared his throat to continue the story. "So I was left traumatised and I started to despise the government and all authority. Yoongi promised that we will get our revenge on the government for their actions and ruining our lives. So we quit school and started to commit petty crimes like shoplifting and other small things, and to be honest, that was all we had intended to do. But one day things just got too far"

I stepped closer to Jin in curiosity and suspicion. I guess Jin was going to tell his whole life story so we would feel sympathy for him and not kill him. Whatever he was trying to do, it was never going to work; he was going to pay for all the people he has killed or helped kill. Jin took a deep breath before he carried on, as if the memory still troubled him, though I doubted it. "One day, Yoongi, J-Hope, Kai and I went to shoplift per usual but things didn't go as planned. We were caught by the shop owner and he told us he was going to call the police. We had already been in trouble with the police so many times so we were sure that we would be sent to jail. My mother still hadn't gotten over my father's death and it would break her to see Yoongi and I in jail. So Yoongi took the matter into his own hands: just as the shop owner took out his phone to call the police, he whipped out a gun and shot the owner in the head." 

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