Chapter 35

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My eyes widened in shock as I came face to face with Taehyung who was very much alive. His red hair bobbed flawlessly and his face had flushed almost the same colour as his hair. My surprise grew into confusion at the strange sight. Jungkook must have been feeling the same way as me because before I could even say a word, he had already started to question Taehyung. "Wait- so am I tripping or are you really alive?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and glared at Jungkook. "Yes Jungkook, as you can see I am very much-" Tae's sentence was interrupted as the sound of bullets hitting the door erupted in our ears, making us jump in fright. 

"Maybe you can explain whilst running?" I said, half suggesting, half taking my own advice. 

"Wait... we need to barricade the door" Taehyung said hurriedly. 

"What the fuck is the point if they are probably going to break down the door anyways?" Jungkook said with an increased pitch in his voice. 

"Yoongi designed this place; he made sure this front door to the outside could be strong enough to keep people in... people like you. He put a button somewhere here to put this specific door on lockdown mode" Taehyung explained. He had already started patting down the walls to find the button. 

Jungkook scratched his head in confusion and furrowed his eyebrows. "So did he hide the button or?...."

Taehyung spun around and looked at us with annoyance. He rolled his eyes when he saw our gawping faces staring at him. "Don't just stand there... FUCKING HELP ME ALREADY" Immediately after Taehyung finished, another round of bullets smashed into the door, trying to make their way inside. Jungkook and I quickly found a wall and started looking for the button, adrenaline thriving through us like a drug. The bullets did not stop hitting the wall and only seemed to intensify the longer time went past. I patted down the wall faster, hoping that someone would find it before the door would eventually give way. My hands became sweaty and my heart pounded in my chest like a base drum. If Boris' men manage to get inside here, there was literally nothing to save us this time.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THIS BUTTON?" Jungkook screamed, the fear of death was clearly getting to him, which only clarified that Boris' experiment clearly had 0% effect on either of us. Must be disappointing for him when he realises that I'm still scared shitless of having bullets punctured into my body I thought. Behind me someone gasped loudly and I spun around to see it was Jungkook. 

"I think... I think I found the button!" Jungkook exclaimed. His voice was shaky which told me that he wasn't so sure. Splinters from the door began to explode off into our faces as the door began to give way. The sound of the bullets drummed itself into our ears and made the floor vibrate under our feet. I could barely hear Jungkook over the sound of the probable cause of our death.

"THEN PUSH IT YOU IDIOT" Taehyung shouted. Tae's face had gone even redder, but it was more from anger and frustration than from being flustered. I couldn't blame him; he saved us when he could have saved himself, only for us to act like 'stupid teens'. 

Jungkook didn't wait for Tae to tell him twice: he slammed his hand onto the button and immediately a metal wall came down in front us and almost slammed down onto my toe. My heartbeat calmed down a bit as the sound of the bullets slowly came to a stop. They must have realised that we have locked them out. The sound of the footsteps of troops replaced the sound of the bullets and disappeared along the side of the building, and soon out of hearing range. "So where the hell are we going to go?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.

Taehyung placed his hands on hips, stared down at the ground and huffed. His once happily bobbing hair had deflated with sweat and exhaustion and he looked completely defeated. "I have no idea" He whispered.

"Can't we just go through the way we came from in the first place?" I asked Taehyung.


"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"Because Boris and his men are going to be waiting for us there" Taehyung replied.

"But Taehyung..."

"NO! STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS - I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, OKAY?" Jungkook and I stepped back and glanced at each other in surprise. "Look, just let me think and I will get back to you as soon as I have thought of something" Taehyung turned his back on us and ran his hand through his hair in panicked thought. He paced to the wall and rested his forehead on the wall. 

I sighed as I watched Taehyung slowly give up on not only us, but himself. I went over to him and placed my hand on his back. He didn't react to my touch; instead he continued to have his back turned away from me. It was wrong of Jungkook and I to put so much pressure on him. After all, if it wasn't for Tae, Jungkook and I would definitely be dead right now. I tried to imagine my brains splattered onto the walls in a bloody mess and Boris staring over our bodies in satisfaction. My body uncontrollably shivered at the thought. 

I turned my attention back to Tae. I frowned as I heard light sobs spluttering out of Tae's mouth as if he was holding back a waterfall of tears. "Taehyung I'm sorry for pushing you too hard, we are very thankful for you saving us and..."

My heart leaped in fright as a loud voice suddenly interrupted me from just behind my ear. "Yeah Tae, we didn't mean it all, we are just really scared" Jungkook said. 

"You need to stop doing that!" I said aggressively, glaring at Jungkook in annoyance.

Jungkook held his hands up in confusion. "What the fuck am I even doing?"

I turned back to Tae, ignoring Jungkook completely. Tae had turned around to face us but was looking down, as if ashamed. His eyes were bloodshot and streaks of tears ran down his cheeks and onto his chin. "It's not that..." Taehyung started. Jungkook and I stared at him blankly, curious to know why he was so upset. "I wish I didn't have to say this but... we might not survive this and... I have a wife and kids at home who need me and I can't even say bye to them or tell them that I love them...."

I wrapped my arms around Taehyung and pulled him into a deep hug. Tae burst into tears and buried his head into the crook of my neck even though he was a lot taller than me. I could feel Tae's tears wetting my neck and running down it to soak my t-shirt, but that only made me hold him tighter. I didn't care that Tae was much older than me and was crying onto me like a big baby; all that mattered was that the only thing we all had was each other at this point. I could never begin to understand what Tae was going through and the thought of his family receiving the news of his potential death moved me close to tears. I imagined my mum crying in devastation at the news of my death, if I was to die today. She would have lost me and my father, and would be living alone in grief for the rest of her life. There was no way that I could allow Taehyung, Jungkook or me to die when there are so many people counting on us on the outside. 

Jungkook walked over to us and pulled Tae and I into his own arms. His face was streaked with tear lines and he sniffled softly and uncontrollably. His hands stroked our heads gently, bringing me extreme comfort. I looked into Jungkook's eyes which glistened in the mere darkness and he lightly kissed the top of my head. "The only way to avoid our families mourning over our dead bodies is by getting the fuck out of here" Jungkook said. Tae glanced at Jungkook and nodded in agreement. He stood up straight and wiped his eyes and runny nose with his bloody sleeve. 

"This is exactly what Boris and Yoongi wants: to be so filled up with negative emotions that we begin to doubt ourselves and our own capabilities... and end up being leered into their trap and killed. We can't let that happen, can we?" Tae and I nodded in agreement. There was no way I was going to let Boris and Yoongi win... after all the stuff they put all of us through.

"But I still don't know how we can get out of here" Taehyung said, his voice filled with worry and panic. 

"That's okay" Jungkook said with a smile on his face. Taehyung and I stared at him with a confused look on our faces. "Because I know exactly how we are going to escape"

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