Chapter 27 ~ Home

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Chapter 27: Home

I worked the loom in quiet concentration, only pausing to wipe sweat from my brow or place a hand on the aching spot on my back. Katrin looked up from where she was sat on a bench with her pup held to her breast. The little female was a noisy eater and I smiled down at them both.

They'd named her Ásdís, and it suited her.

My hand fell over where my own pup rested. The bump couldn't be hidden anymore and I never knew I would miss seeing my own toes. In the weeks since my father and brother had left for the hunt, my body had changed even more. There was meat to my bones now, my skin a less sickly pale.

"You should take a break," Katrin said, watching the way I held myself. "Bjarke won't be happy if he has to carry you fast asleep after dinner again tonight."

"I like working the loom. It helps me digest everything Madden teaches me," I replied, straightening up to finish.

Katrin hummed but she didn't look too pleased. These wolves were a protective bunch, every one. They were always watching and offering to help me, even with simple tasks that a blind wolf could do. It had been sweet at first as they all tried to make me feel welcome and cared for, no more fangs and growls aimed my way, but it had become frustrating now.

Looking towards the door, I could see the snow falling. It wasn't too heavy, but it was beginning to stick on the ground instead of melting away under the sun. Fenna was sat with my mate and a few others that had given up training to fight in the cold and wet. They were amusing themselves with games of strength and I smirked as I watched my brother's mate arm wrestle Hagan, easily slamming his arm against the table.

She thrust her arms in the air, crying out something triumphantly in a language I didn't know. The language of her old pack.

"Witness my might!" she repeated in English for us, making my mate roll his eyes. He took up position in front of her, smirking when he offered his hand.

They were pups, all of them.

Katrin chuckled, turning to watch too. I forgot all about my work, sitting by her to watch too. My Beta looked confident as Fenna took his hand, but Fenna looked equally as sure of herself. Hagan thumped Bjarke's back, muttering something in his ear that made him smirk.

The muscles in his arm strained as they began, his smirk disappearing as he pushed against Fenna's hand. The whole hall went quiet, and though my she kept her expression neutral, I could tell she was struggling. My mate was stronger, and ever so slowly, he got her hand closer to the table. Fenna grunted, shifting on the bench but it was no use. She cursed as Bjarke forced her arm down, glaring at the wolves that laughed and cheered on their Beta.

"I could still beat you in a fight," she sniffed, though there was a small smile curling her lips to show there was no bad feelings between them.

"I'm sure," he agreed, sitting back and looking around. "Who thinks they can beat me."

Nobody took up his offer and Fenna looked ready to go again. But then I found myself standing up and calling out, "I think I can beat you, Beta."

My mate tried not to laugh as he bowed his head and motioned for me to sit across from him. Katrin stood with me and took a seat closer to the rest of the wolves. I regretted my claim immediately but my wolf was pushing me to at least try, to show the pack I wasn't as weak as they believed or wanted me to be.

I sat where Fenna had, and she stood behind me.

"Give him all you've got, sister," she encouraged.

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