Chapter 33 ~ More Than Enough

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Chapter 33: More Than Enough

Bjarke squeezed my hand gently then led me round the table to stand before the pack. My parents came to stand next to us, Orin and Fenna falling into place too. A quiet fell over the hall, wolves twisting in their seats or standing so they could all see the pup that wriggled in their Alpha's arms.

My fingers twitched, every bone in my body wanting to take my son back and keep him hidden. Bjarke kept me steady though, a comforting presence next to me with his arms folded over his chest, chin up and eyes watchful. He was an intimidating sight. And he was making sure the rest of the pack knew their places. They needed to show respect, or I doubted it would be me putting an end to this but my mate.

Alpha Jakkon stepped forward, fainting everyone's attention. He rocked his arms a little, smiling down at his grandson before looking out at his wolves.

"I present to pack the son of your Beta pair, my grandson, Basjan," Jakkon announced, his voice echoing around us. "May he grow to stand with us, hunt with us, fight with us, and join us when we howl as one."

I jumped when his words were followed by a mix of tribal calls and howling that shook the walls. Even the pups joined in, banging their fists on the table to add to the cacophony of noise. The pack were showing their acceptance of my son and another great weight slid from my shoulders, leaving me standing taller and filled with pride.

"You can come and meet him a few at a time, don't all rush at once." My father's gaze flicked to me and I gave him a subtle nod of thanks.

As Bjarke had promised, everything had been done at my pace. I'd worried over nothing, perhaps the only part of my nightmare that had been some vision was the berries that led me to naming my son. A name Bjarke had chosen without ever voicing so to me.

Maybe now I would stop fretting over every little thing. Nothing horrible had happened, my gut instinct had been wrong. I'd put up with so much bad in my own life that perhaps it made me expect the worse.

Leaning into Bjarke's side, a small sigh of contentment slipped past my lips.

Most of the pack went back to eating, happy to wait their turn to meet the newest member of the pack. I watched the goings on with a smile now, only bristling or growling a little when too many wolves came up at once. They backed off immediately, especially as Bjarke was by my side with a sharp glare that had heads bowing. I wasn't sure if he felt overwhelmed too or if he simply didn't like that they'd upset me.

The group seemed to decide amongst themselves who would go first but stopped short at a rhythmic tap of a staff on wood. They parted to let Sol through and I frowned at the way he moved. I spent almost everyday with this male, I knew that the slow and painful way he walked wasn't being faked today. I think everyone else could sense that too but he pushed on, coming to me first.

Bright eyes took in my face, a wrinkled hand pressed against my cheek. I inhaled and something coiled tight in my belly at his scent.

Sickness clung to his pores.

His hand fell to grip mine and his voice was crackly as he spoke. "Congratulations, Freydis. You're a wonderful mother."

I beamed at that. He hadn't said going to be or will be, but you are. It made my heart sing.

"Thank you," I replied, hoping he understood I meant for so much more than simply what he said.

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