Chapter 2

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Zhan quickly walked towards the huge indoor stadium where the orientation ceremony of the freshers was supposed to be held.

All the senior students were busy preparing the venue, to welcome their juniors. They all greeted Zhan as soon as he entered. All the girls were very happy to see their handsome president, boys were no exception.

"Zhan ge, you look really very handsome today. " A girl complimented.

"Nothing special, he looks handsome every day. " Another girl said.

"You're right! He's the handsomest guy in our university. " Said another.

"But, I saw a guy today. He's also very handsome. " The first girl said.

"No one can be compared to our Pres. " Said the second one.

"Okay, girls! Thank you for you compliments. Please go back to work now. " Zhan chuckled as he moved forward.

"Are all the preparations done? " Zhan asked one of the council members.

"Yes, Pres. Everything's ready. " The student replied.

"Good. " Zhan smiled.

"Hey! Xiao Zhan, why did you run away like that? " Zhuocheng asked as he swung his arm around Zhan's neck.

"Huh? Ah... It was nothing, Zhuocheng. I just wanted to check if everything was ready. " Zhan said.

"Are you sure? " Zhuocheng asked.

"Yes, I'm. " Zhan assured him with a smile.

Zhan acted normal in front of everyone, but his mind wandered on the event which took place that morning. That one junior who caught Zhan's attention walked around freely in Zhan's mind.

'I want to see him again. ' Zhan thought as he walked towards the stadium gate to welcome the juniors.


Yibo strolled around the University for sometime. He then walked towards the help desk which was arranged by the Student Council, to ask for directions. Girls out there went crazy looking at his handsome face. Everyone wanted to help him, they even wanted to personally guide him to the venue, but he rejected them. It wasn't a kind one, but a very straightforward rejection.

Yibo walked towards the indoor stadium, but the only thing his mind could picture at the moment was those beautiful almonds which he saw that morning.

'I want to see him again. ' Yibo thought as he walked forward.

He was near the stadium when his eyes caught the glimpse of the beautiful silhouette. Yibo slowly walked towards the unknown figure which caught his attention at the very first sight.

He walked forward staring at that Mr. Stranger, when his eyes got locked with the almond ones once again.
Yibo halted his steps, as he stood there, staring deep into that guy's eyes.

The world around him seemed to freeze for a moment, and the only thing he could see was that beautiful face that looked at him with an unknown emotion. Was it affection? Or happiness? Or sadness? Maybe longing or perhaps Love? No, that's not possible. It's their first time seeing each other, so how can that be love?

Yibo just stood there for a minute without moving an inch. His eyes never left his senior's even though they were more than 50 meters apart.
An unknown emotion swirled up in Yibo's body as his heart clenched. Yibo came back to reality only when he realised that a warm fluid was crawling down his eye.
He quickly wiped it away, as he moved forward ignoring the beautiful stranger who's inducing such untold emotions in him.

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