Chapter 11

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There are situations where in we blurt out things at the heat of the moment which we actually don't mean.

There are also situations where in the heart wants two things at the same time.

And there comes times when these two situations happens at the same time and so was it for Zhan and Yibo.
They just wanted to know the truth but neither of them was ready.

Zhan jumped on the bed as soon as he entered his room and laid flat on it staring at the blank ceiling.

"Can I really stay away from him? This is the thing which I didn't want to happen. This is why I hid my power from him. Can I really stay without speaking to him? Will I be okay without seeing him? I don't think I'll be.... if he avoids me... But I'm not yet ready to tell him the truth yet... What if he decides to stay away from me forever if he gets to know about this creepy power? " Zhan said in a low voice as a tear escaped his eye and fell on the bed.

He slowly drifted to sleep thinking about Yibo and the moments they had which made his heart flutter and brought a smile on his face.

Yibo on the other hand stood in the balcony of his room, thinking about Zhan and his words. Even though he wanted to know the truth, the fact that he should stay away from Zhan just to know what he's hiding already began to torcher him.

"Can I really stay away from him? This is what I didn't want to happen. This is why I hid things from him. Will I be okay without seeing his beautiful smile and listening to his melodious voice? Can I really survive without him? I think I can't... if he starts to avoid me. What if he decides to completely ignore me once he gets to know about my creepy dreams and premonitions? " Yibo said letting out a long sigh.

He then came back to his room and laid on the bed, thinking about Zhan and his beautiful smile which made him drift to a peaceful sleep within minutes.


Zhan woke up a bit late the following day. He took a quick shower and hurried out, but that's when he realised that Yibo wouldn't be waiting for him at that intersection. His heart hurt at the sudden realization and his vision became a bit blurry, but he shook his head and walked his way.

Zhan was about to reach that intersection when he saw a familiar figure at a distance standing by a light post near the intersection. His heart began to race when he realised who it was.

Yes, it was Yibo. It was impossible for Yibo to stay without Zhan. So, he woke up a bit early that day and got ready as soon as possible and hurried towards that intersection where they met everyday. He waited for Zhan for half an hour and was about to give up on waiting for him and that's when he saw the familiar silhouette at a distance, slowly walking towards him which made his heart race.

It wasn't that he was going to speak with him, he just wanted to make sure that Zhan reaches the University safely.

Zhan slowly walked towards the intersection, and tried to avoid looking at Yibo as much as possible. But his eyes wasn't in his control, so it stole many glances of Yibo.

Zhan mustered up some courage as he walked towards Yibo, but he didn't stop. He walked past Yibo trying to keep his eyes on the road.
Yibo who had expected this, slowly followed Zhan's steps from behind.
Both their hearts raced. Zhan felt somehow safe and contented with Yibo behind him and Yibo felt relieved and contented with Zhan in front of him.

They walked to the bus stop, where they stood at either ends, side glancing each other. The bus arrived and they got in. Zhan sat on an empty seat and Yibo took the empty seat behind Zhan.

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