December 10th

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The lecture was going by slowly today, and I have no idea why. Maybe it was because I was most likely going to see Ethan once the lecture was over, or maybe it was just a boring topic. Most likely a combination of the two. I just wanted to get out of here and face the inevitable with Ethan.

The lecture was over, and I quickly packed up my stuff. I was going to get out of here as quickly as possible in hopes of not running into Ethan. However, as I rush out of the building, I run into Ethan.

"Hey, slow down," He said as he caught me.

"Thanks," I said. I don't even know why I said thanks. I was supposed to be running away from him. Then again, he was still holding on to me. "Ethan, I have to get to class."

"So do I. What's your point?"

"You're still holding on to me, and I don't have much time to get to class."

"I want to talk to you, and you have been making it kinda hard to. You keep running away. Can I please explain about what happened on Friday?"

"Well, now is a bad time."

"What time are you done with classes? We can meet up at Starbucks, and I can buy you a coffee. Then we can talk."

"I'm done at two. Also, add a chocolate croissant, and you got yourself a deal," I said with a smile.

"Deal," He said. He handed me his phone. "For you to add your number. I'll see you at three for our date."

"It isn't a date," I shouted after him as he rushed to class. I felt kinda bad that I lied to him. I had a few hours before my next class. I was just hoping that he wouldn't make me talk to him. I wasn't mentally prepared to hear what he had to say yet. However, that conversation wasn't horrible. Who knows what will happen at Starbucks later, though.

When I got to my apartment, I collapsed on my bed. I pulled out my phone to see a text from an unknown number. I figured that it was probably Ethan and I was right.

Ethan: I hope you know that was totally worth being late to class for. BTW it is a date.

Hailey: How would you feel if I said I lied about having class? BTW it is not a date.

Ethan: You lied to me? How dare you!

Hailey: Shouldn't you be paying attention in class?

Ethan: I would, but I can't stop thinking about my afternoon coffee date.

Hailey: Does the girl think of it as a date?

Ethan: Not yet, but I'm hoping to change her mind

I rolled my eyes as I plugged my phone in. I was tired and in desperate need of a nap. Taking one now would give me enough time to eat lunch and then go to my two-afternoon classes. That is what I exactly did.

After my classes, I immediately dropped my school stuff off at my apartment. I double-checked that I had my phone, wallet, and keys before rushing toward the door. I didn't want to be late and make Ethan feel bad.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Ronnie asked as she came out of her room.

"I am meeting Ethan at Starbucks," I answered.

Ronnie squealed, "You're going on a date? This is a big moment for you."

"It isn't a date," I said flatly as I hurried out the door.

"It's definitely a date," Ronnie hollered as the door closed behind me.

When I got to Starbucks, I saw Ethan waiting outside. He was constantly checking his phone, probably making sure I didn't cancel on him last minute. When he saw me walking up, he got a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. My class got out late, and I had to run back to my apartment." I said.

Ethan laughed and said, "I'm just glad you are here. Let's go in and order. Hopefully, there is a table for us to sit at." I laughed as we walked in.

Nothing is worse than going to a Starbucks right off a college campus. It is insanely packed because students are constantly here working on stuff. It is insane how many people can fit into a tiny store.

"Can I please get a grande strawberry and creme frappuccino and a chocolate croissant, toasted? Also can the strawberry be completely blended and none of the puree around the cup please?" I said when it was our turn to order.

Ethan looked at me and said, "You do know it is winter, right?"

"YoU dO kNoW iT iS wInTeR, right?" I mocked. He started laughing, and the barista gave us a weird look. "Did you tell Mother Nature that it is winter? Winter isn't supposed to be 60 degrees. I would say I should be wearing more than a hoodie and leggings, but that would be a lie. Even if it was truly winter out, I would have still ordered my frappuccino. It's too delicious not to." Ethan laughed again and finished ordering. A table opened up right after we paid, so I grabbed it while Ethan waited for our order.

Ethan placed our food and drinks down and said, "Well, I guess I should start with the basics. My name is Ethan James Thompson. I am 20 years old and currently a junior with a double major in history and political science pre-law. In my free time, I play hockey for the school, hang out with my friends, play video games, and constantly run into this same girl every Tuesday and Thursday.."

"Wow, a nerd and a jock," I said while taking a bite of my croissant. I chased it down with my frappuccino. "I'm Hailey Ann Stewart. I am 19 years old and a sophomore studying biology. In my free time, I like to sleep, listen to music, and watch either Netflix or Disney+."

"I wanted to apologize for Friday. It was pretty stupid of me to ask you out in front of another girl. In all honesty, I didn't even like her, and she doesn't like me."

"Then why were you on a date with her?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink.

"I was playing wingman," He explained. He was going to stop, but I gave him a look that told him to go on. "She is one of the hockey cheerleaders that I have known since freshman year. She has a major crush on my best friend, and she's recruited me to help catch his attention. She is just a friend, and I would have rather been skating with you than her anyways. Actually, seeing you made my night so much better."

"Wow, I feel special," I said, rolling my eyes. "I should apologize too. I was acting kind of like a bitch both Friday and Saturday. I didn't want to be the bad guy if you were on an actual date with that girl, and Saturday, I wasn't expecting to see you, and it threw me off."

"That's fair. You didn't know the situation at the time."

"Do you think the girl and your friend will end up together?" I asked before taking a drink of the frappuccino.

"Honestly, I hope they do," He answered. "They would be good together. She could help keep his head straight and focused while he could get her to loosen up and have some fun. If they end up together, I think they could be one of those couples that last. Just like you and me." I choked on my drink in response.

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