December 22nd

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"I can't believe you could have FaceTimed me yesterday, and you didn't," Ethan whined.

"Oh, shut up," I said. He smiled at me, which caused me to smile back. "I was watching movies with my siblings. Plus, I won't be able to talk to you this evening."

"Why not?"

"My family is going to my uncle's house to celebrate his birthday."

"Haven't you already seen your family for the past couple of days? Every time we've messaged, you've been with your family."

"My family is close, and after this, we won't see this side until New Years. Well, at least most of them. Might have a lunch or two with one of my uncles before then."

"Really?" He asked.

"Christmas is spent with my mom's family, and New Year is spent with me babysitting my five demon cousins on my dad's side while the adults spend it kid-free."

"That sucks."

"Tell me about it," I groaned as I laid back on my bed. "But I make hella bank. A hundred bucks to ensure the demons don't kill each other."

He laughed, "You sound like you are doing it just for the money."

"You thought I was doing it out of the goodness of my heart? I'm a broke college student, I need all the money I can get, and my family knows that. I've made it very obvious to them multiple times."

"You don't like your cousins, do you?"

"I do, but in small doses. It's hard to get along with your cousins when they are much younger than you. They would rather play with the ones their age than hang around us older ones. It's kinda awkward, but as we've gotten older, the three of us hang out with the adults instead of the kids."

"Wow. I wouldn't know the feeling. My extended family is all over the country, so we never see them. Don't have to worry about the awkward age gaps," Ethan said.

I pulled my laptop onto my lap and opened it up to Pandora. Ethan would have to listen to my music whether he liked it or not.

"There she goes again. The girl I'm in love with. It's cool. We're just friends," Nick sang.

"Are you trying to make fun of me?" Ethan asked.

"I love this song. I wished they would perform it again," I said before turning up the music louder and singing along. "Everyone knows it's meant to be. Falling in you, just you and me. 'Til the end of time. 'Til I'm on your mind. It'll happen. I've been making lots of plans, like a picket fence and a rose garden. I'll just keep dreaming. But it's cool 'cause we're just friends."

"You are on my mind but am I on yours?" Ethan teased.

"No, but Nick Jonas is."

"Isn't he married?"

"So? I never said I was going to marry him," I said. Ethan rolled his eyes at me. It's not my fault Nick is practically perfect. "I just said he was on my mind."

"Thinking about how. We're gonna say our vows. It's cool. We're just friends. As she walks down the aisle. I see all my friends smile. 'Cause now we're more than friends," I sang and danced along. I probably looked like a total idiot, but I was having a great time. "Everyone knows it's meant to be. Falling in love, just you and me. 'Til the end of time. 'Til I'm on your mind. It'll happen. We've been making lots of plans, like a picket fence and a rose garden. I'll just keep on dreaming. Keep on thinking. Of when we used to be just friends."

"Does that mean we are going to get married?" Ethan asked.

I laughed, "Slow down there, Bucko. You haven't even made it to the boyfriend stage yet. Let alone being anywhere close to getting married."

"One day I will," He said with a grin.

I was sitting in my uncle's car as we made our way to pick up pizza for dinner. I was on my phone texting one of my friends from high school. We were trying to figure out some time to get lunch and catch up on each other's lives. It was hard since she went to a different university. We only see each other during breaks.

"So this boy you are talking to," My uncle said.

I choked, "Not you too."

"Come on, Hailey. You know nothing is a secret with this family. Especially nothing that has to do with potential relationships."


"So tell me about him."

"You already know what I told everyone else."

"But I also know you are hiding more information."

"Well, it is all you are going to get right now. There isn't much more to tell anyways, and if there were, I wouldn't tell you," I said as I climbed out of the car. My uncle followed as we walked into the restaurant.

While we were waiting for our pizza, my phone kept vibrating. I pulled my phone out to see what was up. I had texts from my friend, my brother, and Liam. I decided to open the one from my brother first.

Ryan: Do you have the pizza yet?

Hailey: No

Ryan: Hurry up. I'm hungry.

I rolled my eyes before going to the next set of messages.

Liam: Hailey, I need your help.

Hailey: With what?

Liam: Elizabeth is coming to visit after Christmas, and I have no idea what to plan

Hailey: And you're asking me? I've never been to your hometown

Liam: Give me ideas.

I shoved my phone into my hoodie pocket before grabbing the pizzas from the poor worker. When your family gets five large pizzas, it seems a lot for one person to carry. However, when you do it all the time, it gets easier. We probably weren't the biggest order they had to make.

"Was that your guy friend?" My uncle asked.

I laughed, "No, his best friend."


"A girl he's been on a date with is visiting him after Christmas and asking me for ideas for things to do.."

"He does know you, right? You don't go out much." My uncle asked. I just shrugged.

Hailey: I don't know. Take her out ice skating or to some of your favorite spots.

Liam: Thanks. Also, you didn't hear this from me, but Ethan has a video of you singing and dancing over facetime.

I rolled my eyes at the text but couldn't help smiling. It made me happy knowing Ethan liked me for all my weirdness.

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