December 14th

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Ethan: We should do a movie night.

Hailey: Dude, we just saw each other for the past four days. Do you really want to hang out with me again?

Ethan: Absolutely. I have a limited amount of time before winter break comes.

Hailey: Fine, but you are providing snacks, coming over here, and I'm picking the movies.

Ethan: Why?

Hailey: Because I don't want to leave my apartment, and my roommates want to meet you. Plus, the movie night was your idea, so I get to pick the movies.

Ethan: That second argument makes no sense but fine. Send me your address. I'll be over later.

I sent him my apartment address and a quick text to the roomies to let them know he was coming over for movie night. They were all excited to meet Ethan when they were done studying for the day. However, none of them knew when they would be done. Finals are the fucking worst, and we all know it.

It was getting close to dinner time when Ethan texted that he was outside my apartment building. I was just finishing up studying, so he had perfect timing. I grabbed my phone and keys and made my way outside.

Once I got outside, I saw Ethan leaning against the pickup truck. I looked inside the truck to see Liam in the driver's seat, texting someone, probably Elizabeth. When Ethan saw me, he smiled and said something to Liam as I approached the two.

Liam smiled at me and said, "I'm going on my date with Elizabeth, so you're stuck with him until tomorrow morning."

"What about Isaac or Jackson?" I asked.

"Isaac is busy studying and doesn't like to be disturbed by Ethan's stupidity. Jackson is going to some party and will probably be drunk."

"What if I don't want to wait until tomorrow?"

"Then you can drop him off at our apartment yourself," Liam declared.

Ethan whined, "Don't I get a say in this?"

"NO," Liam and I say in unison. Ethan frowned as he grabbed his stuff out of Liam's truck. He had like five grocery bags of stuff, a takeout bag from a Chinese restaurant, and a two-liter of Mountain Dew. This boy knew the way to my heart.

"Are you feeding a small army?" I asked. Ethan just grinned like the idiot he is. "Why do you have so much food?"

"You said to bring snacks but didn't specify, so I bought a variety," He explained.

I looked at Liam and said," Is it too late to send him back with you?"

"Yup," Liam said before speeding off. Asshole.

When we got to my apartment, Ethan placed all the food on the counter. I finally got to see what exactly he brought. There was ice cream, brownies, cookies, a variety of chocolates, different kinds of candies, bags of chips, a box of popcorn, and a variety of toppings for the ice cream, such as syrups and whipped cream. He definitely went full-out on snack duty.

"So I didn't know exactly what to get you, but I asked Elizabeth, and she said you had told her recently that you've been craving sesame chicken. So, I got you that, and I know how much you love Mountain Dew, so I got you a two-liter, and whatever you don't drink tonight, you can drink throughout finals week."

"You did good," I said, patting Ethan on his shoulder.

He did a fist pump while saying, "Yessss."

He grabbed our Chinese while I poured myself a glass of Mountain Dew, and we made our way to the living room. I had the tv set up for Disney+. We are going to watch my favorite Disney movies. If he doesn't like it, then he can kiss my ass. I already declared I was picking the movies, so this is what he gets stuck with.

"What are we watching?" He asked as we got situated on the couch. I was on one end of the couch, he was on the other, and our food was in the middle.

"We are watching some of my favorite Disney movies," I said as I searched for our first movie. To my surprise, he didn't protest. "Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Treasure Planet, and some others, I'm sure."

He nodded and said, "Sounds good." I clicked on Hercules because it is one of my top five. I never have a favorite because I always change it. However, there are always the same few that never disappoint. Hercules is one of them because Meg is a mood.

Sometime during Hercules, Layla made an appearance so she could eat. She didn't say much other than hi because she didn't want to disrupt. I also think she didn't want to get pulled into movie night instead of studying.

When Hercules was over, we moved on to Hunchback of Notre Dame. Somehow, I ended up laying on Ethan's chest with our legs tangled together. I don't know when this happened.

"Hey," Ronnie said when she came out of her room. She looked like she was going to a party.

"Ronnie, this is Ethan. Ethan, this is my roommate Veronica or Ronnie for short," I said as I pulled my eyes from the tv.

"It's nice to meet you," Ronnie said. All she got in reply was a nod because Ethan was too focused on the movie. "I'm going to one last party, so I'll be back late."

"We will be here," I said, sounding like every Midwestern dad ever. Ronnie just laughed as she left.

We got through Treasure Planet and Lilo and Stitch when Ethan said, "I'm surprised we haven't watched a princess film."

"That can be arranged," I said as I pulled up The Princess and the Frog.

"I don't think I've seen this one," He said.

I gasped, "Tiana is my favorite princess, and I want a Prince Naveen." Ethan smiled as he pulled me to his chest. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist while the other was laying on the back of the couch.

"Look how she lights up the sky. Ma Belle Evangeline. So far above me, yet I know her heart belongs to only me," Ray sang. Ethan lifted me off his chest and stood up. He offered me his hand.

"Oh no, I don't dance," I said at the exact same time as Tiana.

At the same time as Naveen, Ethan pulled me up and said, " If I can mince, you can dance." He wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck.

"You have seen this movie, haven't you?" I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"It's hard not to when you spend all of your time with your best friend, whose little sister was once obsessed with Disney."

"Asshole." He just laughed.

We went back to lying on the couch when the song was over. I saw I had a Snapchat from Alice. I opened it to see a picture of Ethan and me slow dancing. My back was to her, and Ethan was looking at me. I didn't even hear her come back from the library.

I screenshotted the picture and posted it on my Snapchat story without context.

Honestly, this is the cutest chapter I have ever written in my opinion and I would die if something like this happened to me. It was definitely my favorite chapter to write even though it was super mushy at the end. However, it was adorable and I had this idea in my head before I even wrote the story. The original plan was to do the High School Musical movies and then they would dance to Can I Have this Dance, but then I made my mom watch The Princess and the Frog and I decided this song was better fit.

I was working on the sequel to this book but since it's NaNoWriMo I'm working on a different story for that. I don't know when I'll get back to the sequel or if I'll have it done before this book is completely published but I'll keep you guys updated

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