13: "Yes?"

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

 "𝙸𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍..."

IN THE MORNING I find myself hot. I'm sweating from head to toe, the elastic of my briefs sticking to my stomach. It's only then that I realize that I'm completely on top of Elena.

 I'm directly between her thighs, my head resting on her chest and my arms around her sides. She's still sleeping. Her full lips are slightly parted as she breathes peacefully in and out, completely unaffected by the sweltering heat in this room.

 I sit up immediately, embarrassed that she might have noticed that I slept on her that way. I've never been this type of guy. I don't sleep in the same bed with a girl, let alone cuddle? I don't understand how in the short time I've known her I'm slowly becoming a different person.

 I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and head out the door to get away from all of it. I don't feel like being in there when she wakes up to bask in the awkwardness. What I really wish I had is more of that blunt to smoke.

When I see Dion cooking breakfast I can't help but break into a wide smile, practically begging him to give me an opportunity to roast him right now. He has never in the six years I've known him cooked a single meal in his life.

 I push my tongue into the inside of my cheek when I notice Amelia in his t-shirt and shorts sitting on the barstool by the island. Her cheeks flame when she notices me staring at her, or from the fact that I'm in just my briefs, but I just give her a casual nod and try everything to not end Dion's life right now.

"Breakfast." I say with a smug grin and open the fridge. "Interesting."

 He narrows his eyes towards me before he replies, "Shut up. There's girls here, so I want to cook something for them. I'm not going to be rude."

"Okay." I nod with the same grin plastered on my face, and it's not long before he finally smiles back. I want to ask him if he got into her pants last night. From the looks of it he did. He's practically dancing in front of the stove as he flips the bacon in the pan.

"Thanks for the blunt last night." I sit down next to Amelia and crack open my bottle of water to take a long sip. I've been meaning to thank her again because not many people would just give away a blunt for free. I didn't even expect Amelia to be the type of girl to smoke anyways. She seems like she's been brought up in church her whole life with parents that stayed on top of her every move. That's at least how she acts anyways.

 "It's cool." She says. She looks at Dion again who has his back to us and smiles towards him. Man, she's got it bad.

 "Are you going to want any, Xavier?" He turns around and shows me the pan with the bacon on it and I eagerly agree. I barely got a bite of that burger last night from Elena scarfing the whole cow down practically. Just the thought of her with mustard all over her face makes me laugh. Thankfully nobody notices.

 "Thank God." Cameron waltzes into the kitchen with groggy eyes and leans his back up against the fridge. "I'm fucking starving."

 "Little hungover there, bud?" Dion chuckles.

Cameron groans and slumps his shoulders slightly before he sits down at the kitchen table. I don't know why I feel the need to punch him in the face, but it's been happening a lot recently. Maybe it's the fact that he took advantage of her last night. Well, not that he would know that. He doesn't know about her addiction. Or does he?

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