Chapter 10

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I held Sophie up with Jaz and I was crying as well. Today had been exhausting and it felt like things were simply getting worse. We walked into the kitchen where Aunt Addy gasped as she saw me. My Mom looked up and wiped her tears.

"What happened?" My Mom said standing up coming to my side. Aunt Lilac hugged a crying Sophie and Aunt Addy started to look at my wounds.

"Ethan attacked her," Sophie said crying and my Mom looked at me shocked.

"He is having a hard time dealing with the new position," I said to Mom and she dried my tears and hugged me.

"I am so sorry I wasn't there to protect you," she said I hugged her tighter.

"I am sorry I couldn't save Dad," I said crying into her shoulder.

"Your father would have never forgiven himself if you got hurt trying to help him. It hurts so unbelievably bad knowing he isn't with me but I will be okay," My Mom said letting out a sob and I held onto her this time. I didn't believe her words, and neither did anyone else in the room.

Aunt Jules helped her stand up and gave her a hug.

"Let's get you to bed," she said and helped my crying Mom to her room. Jaz walked into the living room where everyone else was, and Aunt Lilac left the house with a still crying Sophie.

"I need to go get stuff for stitches," Aunt Addy said before leaving. Then Eva came running over and started to sob into my lap.

"I thought he was going to kill you," Eva said and I ran my hands through her brown hair.

"Shh, I am okay," I said. Liam walked through the room and he looked at me.

"I can't lose anyone else," Eva said, sobbing even harder.

"You won't I swear," I said holding out my pinkie. She grabbed it and calmed down a little.

"Go wait for me with everyone else. I have to get bandaged up," I said and she gave me a small smile and left. Liam came and sat next to me and pulled me into his chest.

"How is Ethan?" I asked him and he let out a little growl.

"He is lucky he is still alive," Liam said quietly and I leaned my head on his chest and listened to his beating heart.

"Never leave me," I said a few tears running down my face. Liam wiped my tears with his thumbs and held my head in his hands. He gave me a short but sweet kiss and hugged me tightly.

"I won't" He promised and Aunt Addy walked through with some stitches.

"Okay, let's get you stitched up," she said. I held out my arm and she numbed the area before giving me four stitches. She wrapped my arm in some bandages and told me I was all set to go.

"I need to make sure everyone else is okay," I said before giving Liam a kiss and standing up.

"How about making sure you are okay. I found you sobbing at a river," Liam said, stopping me from leaving.

"I will be okay once everyone else is," I said, trying not to look in his eyes.

"Erin," he said, pulling me back to him.

"Please Liam," I said, giving him a pleading look.

"I have to see how Ethan is doing anyways," He said before kissing me and leaving.

I looked in the living room and no one was there. I looked around confused and I went down the hall past my father's office where I could hear my Uncles talking to Ethan. Jazz stuck her head out of the library and motioned me to come meet her.

I walked down the hall and I walked in and her Jason, Emma, and Evan were looking through books.

"We won't give up unless you tell us to," Jaz said and everyone shook their head agreeing with her.

"How about the girls?" I said referring to Eva, Charlie, and Mila.

"Turns out Aunt Lilac has a thing for books too," Emma said.

"Okay, let's get started," I said and we all froze as the door opened.

"I think I know what book you are looking for," Sophie said as she walked through, drying her tears.

"Soph, you don't have to do this," I said to her and she gave me a small smile.

"Yes I do, and I think this will help us," She said, holding up an old brown book.

"Where did you get that," I asked her.

"Uncle Kane gave it to me for my birthday," She said with tears coming to her eyes, handing the book to me. I looked at it, and I had never seen it before.

"I forgot about it until I went to my room to cry out the night and saw it sitting on my dresser. I opened up the book and in my Dad's perfect handwriting there was a simple note.

I hope you find all that you are looking for in here. Take care of my son.

-Uncle Kane

"I think he knew this was going to happen," Sophie said. I showed everyone the note and we looked at each other shocked. Jaz grabbed it and flipped through the pages. She was undoubtedly the smartest one out of all of us. We heard a door slam, and we knew it was from the office.

"Take this home and see if you can find anything out," Sophie said.

"If Liam tries to take you to his pack stall," Jaz said and I agreed. We all left just in time because once we rounded the corner Liam walked into us.

"Hey babe, I was trying to find you," I said, giving him a tight hug.

"I was looking for you and Sophie, Ethan wants to apologize," Liam said holding me by his side.

"I don't want to see him," Sophie said, seeming more mad than sad.

"How about I will go first," I offered and she looked at me frowning.

"Okay," she said. Liam brought me to the office and opened the door. Ethan was sitting at the desk, his hands in his hair.

"I am so sorry, Er I don't know why I did that," he said rubbing his forehead.

"It is okay," I said and he looked up at me. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked exhausted.

"None of this is okay," he said. I let go of Liam and I hugged Ethan. He was surprised, then hugged me back after a few seconds.

"I always said I would protect you and instead I am the reason you were hurt," he said, sounding so sad.

"You always have, and will protect me," I said quietly.

"I should have been the one to be killed, I should have been the one doing the negotiations. Dad wasn't even the king anymore," Ethan said.

"Ethan Kai William I never want to hear you say that ever again do you hear me," Sophie said running in the room hitting him in the chest crying. Ethan held onto her as she sobbed and I grabbed Liam's arm and left them alone.

"Let's get you in bed, it is already 1 am," Liam said, kissing my forehead. We headed to the packhouse and I changed into one of his shirts and collapsed on the bed falling asleep once he pulled me into his chest.

Two posts one day! I couldn't leave you all hating Ethan. I just wanted to explain somethings. Ethan is not evil or mean or abusive. He is becoming an Alpha and it is creating his emotions to be heightened. Usually, you would have someone help you through all of these emotions and rage but his Dad just died. He is trying to deal with ruling an entire country by himself with no guidance. He will be okay but for now he is going to be testy.

Also what are your feelings on what they are trying to do? Is it stupid? Do you think it is going to work? Do you think Kane knew what was going on? Please let me know!! Love you all, and thank you for reading!!!

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