Chapter 18

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The next few days were filled with everyone preparing for the fight and me training. I was working on potions, the three spells, and I was training so I was physically ok for a fight. I found out that if I was mad enough I could burn someone just by touching them, and I also learned how to not get tired while battling. Liam and I were so exhausted by the time the day was over that we fell asleep once we hit our bed.

It was now an entire week since I had spoken to my father and I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen today. I got changed into my black leggings and blue sports bra, and made my way downstairs where everyone was eating breakfast.

I picked up a glass to fill with water when I got a feeling which overcame me. I saw a vision of Dante snapping Kyle who was on guard right now's neck. I looked up and saw an army of over 100 vampires following him. I broke out of my vision and I looked up and everyone was staring at me. I must have dropped the glass and caught everyone's attention.

"They are here," I said and everyone broke into action. All of the women went to the pack house while Ethan sent out a mind link for everyone to prepare for a battle. Liam ran up to me and gave me a kiss.

"Stay safe, I hate knowing you will be out there with us," He said. I kissed him and promised him I would stay safe. It was mass chaos as I walked outside and as our wolves lined up, I saw the vampires approach us.

I felt George's presence next to me, as he was put in charge of being my protector. I felt my anxiety start to build and George wined and put his head under my hand. I pet him and felt myself start to relax.

My brother and Dante started to talk, and then Dante told his group to attack and then the war broke out. I felt zoned in on all of the people I would protect. Liam was fighting four vampires at once, Joe was fighting a younger one, with Jason by his side. Uncle Kam was fighting four of them along with Uncle Luke and Uncle Jase. Ethan was fighting Dante and I watched as George went after a vampire who was trying to attack me from behind.

I looked forward and as three vampires came my way I screamed Malum and sent them all flying. Once they were out of my way I burned a vampire who tried to grab me. I found myself in the middle of the fight but instead of feeling scared I felt exhilarated.

I continued to scan and everyone seemed to be doing okay, that was until I heard a squeal of a wolf. I looked over and Jason was shifting after having been stabbed in the stomach. I ran over to him and started to heal his wound. He recovered and gave me a thank you and he shifted back into a wolf.

I wiped the blood from my nose, and I kept on throwing vampires left and right. I felt George behind me and knew I was protected, and I saw Liam in front of me and felt calm because I knew he was safe.

I heard a groan and I saw that Uncle Luke had been pinned under a vampire. I screamed stabit, and the vampire froze and Uncle Luke thanked me before ripping off his head.

I was in auto pilot fighting off vampires and we must have been fighting for about 40 minutes when I heard a horrible scream. I looked over and George's stomach had been sliced open and his insides were out.

Uncle Jace and I ran over to him and Uncle Jase stood over us while I put my hands on his stomach. I started mumbling sana over and over and I felt blood pouring out of my nose. The wound was healing but not very fast.

"Erin you are hurting yourself, stop," George said weakly.

"I can't lose you," I said to him before mumbling sana, sana, sana. George's insides started to pour back into his stomach but I was still trying to close the skin. That was when I was stabbed in the chest. I gasped before putting the rest of my energy into healing him before I died. I closed the last part of the room when I felt it.

I saw myself across the room on picking day and I felt an incredible amount of warmth. I saw as Liam and I had sex for the first time, I saw as he held me when my father died, and I saw as he kissed me before the fight. I saw our laugh's our fights and I could feel every strong emotion he had ever felt for me.

I opened my eyes and looked at my chest realizing it was not my pain I had felt. I looked across the field and I saw Liam laying dead, his heart out of his chest. I swore time stopped. I sprinted over to him, tears running down my face.

I grabbed his heart and I shoved it inside his chest. I chanted sana again but no yellow light came. He was gone. I let out a scream and held my head down. I wished for this to be an awful dream, and for me to wake up from it. I stopped screaming and I saw that everyone was frozen blue light everywhere.

I marched over to Dante, their leader and I saw that he was about to kill my brother, we were about to lose.Dante knew what was about to happen, but he couldn't stop me. I shook my head and everyone unfroze and I stuck my hands into Dante's chest. Ripping out his heart, he looked at me shocked before falling to the ground dead.

"Enough," I said and my voice carried as everyone looked my way.

"This fight is over, your leader is dead," I said, as I collapsed to the ground. 

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