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On reaching the second floor the whole area was covered with mosaic paintings. There were total 3 doors. I moved towards the door, from where the noise was still comming. I opened it slightly and entered.

'Holy shit!' It was an indoor swimming pool filled with clear blue water. The celling was so amazing. It was high and in the centre it's roof was all glassed. The evening sky can be seen vividly. On one end of the pool 3 shower pole stood facing towards the pool, for sprinkling water in the pool. It was a beauty to look at.

On one side 4 doors with washroom on two and sitting room on 2 can be seen.

I was walking on the tiled floor with beautiful paintings on some of them. If you were to ask me what my favourite sport is, my answer would be swimming. I started learning how to swim when I was five years old and have been swimming ever since. I played at the state level in school time.

It's superb length made me crave to dive in. The blueness was attracting me to itself. Then remembering my aim coming back to reality, I tried to concentrate on the direction of voice which sounded like scratching of door.

I moved towards one door and opened it on which sitting room was mentioned. Panic swelled within me, two hounds, barked at me. I was scared to death and was unable to move a muscle. I saw them pulling hard on their leash which was tied up with a long chain. This time they barked so fucking hard it gave a jerk to my body and I turned and ran.  Hardly few steps away I hit a hard wall and started to fell.

Immediately I was being held by hands of wall. Man am I going crazy!? I shook my head and looked up.

A man standing almost nude to his waist holding me. He was disturbingly masculine. His eyes were deep blue. He must be in his early thirties. His hair were damp. Oh! his everything was damp. Water was glistening all over him. It was obvious he just came out of the pool on hearing the bark. I was still in his arms. My eyes were eating him alive.

When those moist symmetric lips moved,"I think you have stared me enough." I reddened like apple.

I tried to stand up on my own feet feeling so stupid. He released me than and straightened. I looked petite in front of his tall frame.

"Trespassers get their own punishment." Looking at me and then at those dogs.

Bloody fuck! not a noise from their mouth now. I feel like hitting them.

"Humiliating me will take you no where Mister" Mustering enough courage I kept on saying, "Look I am here to meet Mr. Spencer, he had been avoiding me. I had no idea where to find him. So, I tried my luck here."

He was listening keenly. But it was not easy for me to stand and look at him anymore. His hotness was reaching to my very core.

"Sorry I disturbed your swimming." I turned and walked towards the door with my head held high.

"Stop before you regret." his voice followed.

He really have balls to threaten me. I opened the door with jerk and freaked out. I backstepped so many feet away. Another dog and this time no leash on it barked at me
"Oh noooo help." I turned to run and

I was surrounded by water, inside and outside of me. It felt I have gulped tons and tons of water.

Suddenly I was pulled out on the surface. Wiping water and removing hair from my face I looked at the hound and then at his master.

He was holding me from my waist underneath the water. His every single part touching me in perfect way.

 "Are you alright? I warned you to stop."

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