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Loud noises can be heard from above, must be the arrangments for the evening party. Meg excused herself to check on them.

"Cool, Is Mike coming?" Mary asked.

"Yes of course any time now." Jay answered.

"Rose, you look beautiful." Jay complimented.

"Thank you."

"See I told you. Now don't think of going back, you can wear my stuff." Mary butt in.

"What do you mean? She is thinking of going back because she is out of clothes?" Jay questioned.

"Yup, she asked my phone to book her ticket for tonight."

"Shut up, Mary, that was not the reason you crackpot." I replied.

"Then what?" Jay asked his eyes glued on me. "Eady has not declared result of the interview yet."

"I am not very keen any more for Dickinson's Job." I kept my eyes on my plate.

"Any particular reason." Jay asked.

Looking at him directly this time "I am missing Huston, my family, I will look for a job there only." I faked my reply.

Mary laughed "You are missing your family, how may I know? Yesterday only you told me that your brother works in Ohio, your dad is posted in Canada only you and your mom lives together. So don't bullshit me."

"Mary, let's not make fun of her  emotions. We all are to a great extent bound to our families." Jay said finishing his breakfast and stood up.

"Emotions my foot, Jay. I know her well she is a stubborn ass. Even Ron, her boyfriend could not condone her stubborness. How was he managing with you, I wonder?"

"Mary you never miss a chance to tease me about my nonexistent relationship with Ron. We have lost touch long back." I cleared Mary.

"Well, you two carry on I have work to do. See you both at the pool" Jay stood up and left.

Mary and I kept arguing like old times through beakfast. She took me on a round of her damn large house. We spent time clicking photos in different poses.

At 3 afternoon we split. Time had slipped fast and there were clamour of voices in the house. Mike, Eady, Tim and 3 more guests have arrived. I took few fruits from the kitchen and went to my room.

At sharp 4 Mary called me to meet her at the pool.

I picked up the bag containing swim suite and made it to the pool.

One of the great things about owning a pool is the entertainment and social opportunities it provides. Spencer's are live example of it. The whole pool area was lavishly organised. The flowers adorned the walls of the pool area spreading soothing fragrance. It did not look at all like the one I saw.
It looked so grand with open roof top.  Fading sunlight was pouring in.

On one side was the make-shift bar with 2 bartenders mixing drinks. On the other side food hut was raised.  Songs were being played on medium volume. Approx 10 loungers were spread on one side of the pool.

Two heart shape floater beds were floating in the pool.
Mrs. Spencer was sitting on a lounger looking like a queen with a bandage tied to her injured foot. There was another woman of her age sitting on next lounger, both were drinking and talking.

Eady, Mike, Mary and 2 more persons were seated at the bar. They all seemed to be engrossed in conversation.

"Hi Everyone. All this is superb Mary."

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