10. Broken

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Question of the chapter:

Favorite fast food restaurant?

Nobody talked to yoongi. Nobody glanced at yoongi. Nobody got close to yoongi. That was how it was for the next few days. So what did he do? He went to his studio. It's not like anyone cares if he was even alive or not.

The album was nearly done. The producers had to make a few more songs and they could finally have a complete album.

He sat in his chair with his head in his hands. He was frustrated as fuck. "Why can't I do anything right?!" He yelled into the small soundproof room. "Nobody wants me! I'm a fucking mistake!" He cried out.

Out of anger he grabbed whatever was nearest to him on his desk and threw it at the wall opposite to him. I'm his case it was a snow globe jimin had gave him years ago. He loved that snow globe. He looked at the glass on the ground and put a shaking hand over his mouth.

"What did I do." He sobbed into his hand.

It took yoongi a while before he was able to stop crying. He destroyed what meant the most to him. He destroyed his relationships with the members. He was destroying everything.

"I can't do this anymore." He muttered and grabbed him stuff. But he put it back down thinking about his eomma and Appa. They wouldn't want him dead. That would kill them.

So he sat back down in his chair and put his head in his arms. He tried to stop himself from crying again but the pressure in his chest was too much and he let out a loud sob. Eventually he cried himself to sleep hoping things would get better soon.

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