xiv. IT'S GOD

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( IT'S GOD. )

   YOU WOKE UP to Violet shaking you awake.

"Five more minutes, Violet, it's Saturday," you groaned.

"Y/N there's an immediate assembly in the hall, get dressed," she said as she pulled on her blazer. You opened your eyes suddenly and landed your feet on the ground.

"What's it for?" you questioned, putting your socks on.

"They didn't say, but my guess is--"

"Charlie," you interrupted. "That dumbass."

Violet chuckled before pulling you out the door.

You hurried down the steps and stepped into the assembly hall. Most of the students had already arrived. You and Violet quickly sat down on the girls' side of the room. You immediately started searching the boys' side for Charlie and the rest of the dead poets. To your relief, Charlie was sitting in one of the middle rows with the rest of the boys. If Nolan hadn't gotten Charlie yet, then you were sure that this assembly would change that.

Just then, Mr. Nolan entered the room with a line of teachers behind him. All the students rose to their feet as soon as he entered the room. After all the professors had taken their places, Mr. Nolan addressed the students from the podium. His face was sporting a sour expression.

"Sit." Mr. Nolan barked.

The students all sat down on the wooden benches.

"In this week of Welton's Honor, there appeared a profane and unauthorized article. Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons -- and let me assure you I will find them - - I'm asking any and all students who know anything about this article to make themselves known here and now. Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school," he declared. You sucked in a sharp breath. You trained your eyes on the seat in front of you to avoid looking at Charlie.

Just then the sound of a phone ringing could be heard. You glanced up at the professors who were looking around the room for its source. Nolan's face was growing angrier with each second.

"Welton Academy. Hello," Charlie's voice sounded throughout the hall. You looked to Charlie who was holding a phone to his ear. "Yes, he is. Just a moment." Charlie stood up, holding the phone and bell towards Nolan. "Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's God. He says we should let girls eat lunch with guys." Most of the students laughed while the boys from the cave all shook their heads in disbelief. You smacked your head against the bench in front of you. "Oh wait, what's that? One more thing?" You brought your head up again to see Charlie holding the phone up to his ear once more, "Alright, I'll let him know." He pulled the phone away from his ear. Charlie stared Nolan straight in the eye with his signature smirk. "He says we better let them in the boys' dorm rooms too."

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