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   YOU HEARD YOUR name being spoken and felt yourself being shaken awake softly. You pushed the person off and buried your face back into your pillow. Was it morning already?

You finally decided to look at the person when they didn't leave. It was Charlie. Charlie had tears streaming down his face, his eyes were red.

"Charlie. Charlie, what's wrong?" you questioned, sitting up. You had an awful feeling in your gut. You looked at the doorway to see Knox and Pitts. Violet was already awake and crying with Meeks' arms wrapped around her.

"What happened?" you asked again, panic rising in your throat.

"Neil. Neil's dead," Charlie said shakily, taking your hand into his.

"No he's not. No, he can't be," you shook your head and pulled your hand away from Charlie's. You stared at Charlie for a moment, still shaking your head. Charlie only began to cry more and he stared into your eyes with a pained expression. The look on Charlie's face told your heart that it was true, even though your mind wouldn't let you believe it. A few warm tears hit your bed-sheets, but you hardly noticed. Your heart was pumping in your ears and your vision grew blurry.

You stood up suddenly and left the room, needing air. It was still dark outside, not a person was in sight. You rushed down the stairs and out into the courtyard. The tears were falling freely now. Neil was never anything less than an angel, always striving to make those around him feel loved and included. And he was gone.

His father did this. You knew it. You knew Neil would crack under the cruel pressure of his father, you just never imagined it could go this far. You sank to your knees and stared up at the moon. You tried to control your erratic breathing.

After mere seconds the door opened behind you and Charlie stumbled out. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. You hugged back as you sobbed into his shoulder.

After both of your crying subsided, you decided to go for a walk. The walk was mostly silent, neither one of you wanting to speak. The sounds of the river and the trees were enough to soothe your mind for the time being.

"Did you tell Todd?" you finally asked.

"I did, he just really needed to be alone," Charlie stated. You nodded and took Charlie's hand in yours.

"You're brave," you said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, telling everyone about Neil. I wouldn't be able to do it," you admitted. As soon as you said his name another tear fell down your cheek. Charlie squeezed your hand tighter.

The sky was slowly becoming brighter. A heavy overcast blocked the sun from view, but you could tell it was coming up now.

"Do you think we should go check on Todd?" you asked gently.

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