Chapter 11 - Madeline

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Is that a hot seat?

Why does everyone's eyes widen and shock? What's wrong? I'm shocked because the big boss just called me to sit with her. Helen Hall. The one that I thought only an ordinary person who loves me turns out to be the owner of Hall Industries. The CEO's grandmother.

"Helen... I.." I clear my throat "I mean Mrs. Hall, I think it's better for me to sit at my seat,"

"Come here, dear" she says with a smile, but when I look at her eyes, I know she insists me to sit next to her. The one between her seat and Ethan's. That's a weird position. Who was sitting there before? Advisor? Helen's right hand?

I look at Ethan for help. I don't know why my eyes are searching for him. Maybe because he's the one who shielded me from Thomas earlier. He was standing right next to me all the time when Thomas was confronting me. It was weird. But I found strength in him, and I felt safe.

He looks confused. His eyes move from his grandmother, the chair, and me. Finally, he nods at me. I don't have any other choice now. So I walk to the chair next to Helen. Every eye is following me. Now I know what it feels to be the bug under a microscope.

I sit down. Ethan clears his throat and starts the meeting. Good thing I'm a newbie. I don't need to do anything except listen to the meeting. But my mind keeps wandering what Thomas plans with that old man, named Ben Sanders. He is the one who talked to Thomas earlier.

Helen put her hand over mine. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" She asks me softly, like my Helen, not the head of the Hall. I study her eyes. Searching for an answer. Why'd you never tell me about you?

It's like she can read my mind "I'm sorry, Madeline," she whispers. "Can we talk after the meeting? I will answer all your questions." Her eyes pleading with me. How can I say no? So I nod. And then she squeezes my hand and takes back her hands. Her attention is already back to the meeting.

Is this the real Helen?


"Sarah, can I borrow Madeline Parker for a while?" Helen asks Sarah when the meeting is over. I bet with all my money in the bank, Sarah wouldn't say no to Helen. And see.. Sarah says no problem. And Helen promises to bring me back after lunch. It's 10.30 now.

I walk with Helen to the downstairs and every eye on us. Stupid me. Looks like everyone in Hall Industries knows Helen, except for me.

"Grandma," we turn around and find Ethan walks to us in his long strides. "Where do you two want to go?" Ethan asks his grandmother.

"I have a lot of things to explain to Mads, Ethan. Do you need her? Or can I borrow her for a while?" Helen asks sweetly.

"No. I mean, yes, Grandma, you can have her. But you have to trust me. She isn't involved with this scheme. She is a victim just like me," Ethan says with a hint of Oh, heesn't realize my relationship with Helen.

Helen looks at him funny and smiles. "You worried about her?" She asks, and my face blushes. Why does my face blush easily in front of Ethan? Help me God.

He clears his throat. "I just... um.." He rakes his hair.

Helen touches Ethan's shoulder. "Did you know Madeline and I are friends?

"What?" And Ethan glances at me. Realization drowned him. "You didn't realize she is Helen Hall?" He asks amused.

I shake my head, and I hear he chuckles. "Excuse me?" I frown, feel a bit annoyed. Why does he have to chuckle? Am I that gullible?

"Sorry." He clears his throat. "Okay ladies, your lunch is on me. Okay, grandma?" He looks at his grandma. Helen told me she was close with one of his grandchildren. That must be Ethan.

"Okay, young man!" Helen says affectionately.

Ethan nods. "Let me send you to the car. I have a man to investigate after this," he says.

"Do you want us to bring your lunch?" Helen asks while we're walking. I'm wondering what kind of gossip they will talk about me. First day at Hall Industries HQ and I'm walking with the owner and the CEO. Not to mention earlier disaster.

Ethan shakes his head. "I'm going to have lunch with Christian," he says.

We walk to the door while there is a Black Bentley waiting.

"Ethan, I need to tell you something," I say, before we go out of the door. And I tell him about Thomas and Ben's conversation earlier this morning.

Ethan nods. If he's surprise, he doesn't show it. Or he already predicted his uncle behind this scheme.

"Thanks for the info, Sweetness. Go enjoy your lunch with my Grandma," he says softly while squeezing my arms. God, he calls me Sweetness in front of his grandma. Is he kidding with me? In my peripheral vision, I see Helen's smile widen.

He opens the door for us. After we slide in, he closes the door and waits until the car is moving. He goes back to the building. His gesture is old-fashioned, and yet, my the butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I glance at Helen. She was watching my interaction with Ethan all the time. What should I do now? What should I say?...

Helen touches my hand. "I'm sorry Mads. It's not my intention to hide the truth from you. At first, I assumed you know who I am. Almost everyone in Julian town knows. But when I realized you were clueless, it was too late. I was too comfortable with you to tell the truth. I don't want our simple friendship to turn into an employer-employee relationship. I knew should've told you. I'm sorry, sweetheart."

Her words humble me. How can I mad at her when she says that. Truthfully, I'm not mad at Helen. I was just shocked and surprised. Hurt a little, but after she told me her reason, how can I mad at her? She just want to be my friend, she doesn't want me to see her as someone else other than Helen, my Helen. So I smile and squeeze her hand back. "It's okay, Helen. You have your reason. I'm glad you still want to be my friend. And I feel loved by you every time you check on me. So if you can keep that I guess we're good," I say, smiley.

"Thank God!" she says, and she hugs me. "I'm so relieved you still want to talk to me, Mads. I promise to you. Starting from today, no more lies. Okay?" She says happily to me and I nod at her "okay Hel,,. I mean Mrs. Hall," I say because I remember what she said to Ben earlier.

She wrinkles her nose. "We settled about our friendship, right Mads? Why you still call me Mrs. Hall?"

"Be... because you asked Ben to call you like that."

She sighs. "That's because I sensed something is wrong with him. He was my son-in-law. Daisy loves him. But I always think he has his own agenda. Turns out he really has. I never trust him. He became a president at Hall Media because Daisy asked me to. I couldn't say no. Plus, he's not bad. So I let him. But you don't have to worry about him. Ethan will look closely at this. Did you know my grandson is a genius?" I can hear the pride in her voice. I can't help but smile.

"Yes Helen. I guess everyone in Hall Industries knows it. That's why I can see it relieved them when I said it was..." I trail off. It's one thing to talk about my love life with Helen, it's another thing to talk about her grandson.

"Oh, I need to hear this, my dear." Helen smiles wickedly at me. And just as if on cue, the car stops. "Let's go in. You can tell me everything inside" Helen winks at me and goes out of the car. I follow her, wishing that she was someone else's grandma, not Ethan Hall's, Mr. Pop Madeline's Cherry. 

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