Chapter 53 - Madeline

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"Thank you so much, Mr. Smith. I will update you with the project once we start it," I beam at Mr. Smith. I just got a big fund from him.

"You do that, and don't forget the tax deduction, Madeline," he reminds me.

"You don't have to worry," I smile.

"Ah, I see my friend over there. You want me to introduce you to him? He is the head of Connolly Family," he tells me.

"It would be my pleasure. Thank you so much, Mr. Smith. I owe you one." I know the Connollys, they have a lot of business, but their major business is in hotel chains like the Rodericks. Byron Connolly is the head of Connolly Group.

"You remember that, young lady! I might need your help to deal with your soon to be husband," he says and chuckles.

"I'm afraid you are wrong, Mr. Smith. I'm not engaged to Ethan Hall," I say, but I can feel myself blush.

"The correct statement is not yet. From what Helen Hall sid, the event will come sooner than later." He laughs and takes me to Mr. Connolly. "Byron!" He calls, and they embrace each other. Mr. Smith helps with the introduction and leaves us to let me handle the rest.

I talk about something light, and praise Mr. Connolly occasionally. When he laughs booming, it's time for me to shoot him the fund for the charity and bingo! I get another check.

Ethan comes behind me and kisses my back. "Hey, Sweetness" he whispers and he smiles at Mr. Connolly. "Good evening, Byron." He shakes hands with Mr. Connolly.

"Good evening, Ethan. Your woman here is so adorable," he says. Ethan caresses my back and nods. "She is the best, sir."

"Ethan, Mr. Connolly agreed to help us build hospitals in Africa," I beam and Ethan nods at Mr. Connolly. "Thank you so much. Your money means a lot to them."

"Nah, I'm just helping your girl here. She really knows how to make people happy around her. Excellent choice, Ethan. I'm sure your dad will be very proud of your choice." He laughs, and Ethan chuckles.

"Ah, I see some of my business partners there. It's nice to know you, Madeline. And did I tell you, you are the most beautiful woman tonight?"

I smile shyly at him, "you are too kind, but thank you." He nods and walks away.

"Looks like my woman wins the battle tonight." Ethan rounds his arms around my waist and I laugh. Ethan and I made a bet about who is going to get the most amount of checks. And somehow the star is aligned with me. I almost doubled Ethan's check.

"So, what do I get from this bet?" I caress his jaw.

"I'm still thinking. Since my girlfriend here doesn't like something extravagant." He kisses my neck. His hand creeps down to my ass.

"Gosh, get a room you two!" comes Tony's voice and we laugh.

"Tony, you are late!" I hug him.

"Sorry Mads, got a minor problem in the office earlier." Tony man hugs Ethan. "I heard from some people that Helen Hall engaged you two on the stage?" He chuckles.

"Yes, unfortunately my unromantic grandma is trying to steal the moment," Ethan chuckles. I blush. I still haven't asked Ethan why he said nothing about what Helen said.

"By the way, Tony. I know you will give some of your fortune to this charity, right? So please give it to me. I need it," Ethan says, and I laugh. "Tony! If you do that, I wouldn't cook your favorite pork ribs anymore."

Tony curses, "damn bro. I'm sorry. Cannot live without Madeline's pork ribs." He gives the check to me.

Ethan gives me a look while I just grin triumphantly at him. He knows he lost the game, but his eyes tell me he will let me win over him again and again just because he loves me so much.

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