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Hi all! So I had an idea and wanted to see how it would play out. Aeterni means eternals in latin, just to avoid any confusion. the mark will be explained in a way as the book progresses, but any questions about the history of the Aeterni please ask!

that said I hope you enjoy!


Rubble littered the courtyard of Hogwarts. Scorch marks criss-crossed the stone flags, marks of death and destruction that will never be forgotten. The school was desolate, except from three figures. Weaving in and out of the fallen castle the figures made their way to the astronomy tower. None of them spoke a word until they reached the room full of haunting memories of a beloved old man.

"Harry, he would be so proud of you." A feminine voice spoke up. Harry's dirty face was streaked with blood and tears. He looked out from the balcony, his eyes drawn to the courtyard. It was as if he could still see the battle. Voldemort on his knees, bodies of students and death eaters alike scattered amongst the rubble of the place harry considered home. 

"What do we do now Harry?" Ron's voice was low, a hint of fear laced his voice although it did not tremble. Harry's eyes were forced away from the battle field and were met with the loving gaze of his friends.

"We move on."

One month later

"Happy Birthday Harry!" A chorus of happy cheers echoed through the burrow. Everyone who could gathered in the Weasley's family home. Harry put on the facade he wore so well and blew out his candles. As Molly cleared the table, Harry couldn't help but think of the people missing. He imagined Remus and Sirius sat together on the couch, telling him tales of his parents. He imagined Fred and George pulling some sort of elaborate prank on the party goers. 

His cheery exterior hid these feelings of despair well. All but Hermione believed the boys smile.

By midnight the party - if you could even call it that - had died down and most of the guests had left. Harry wanted to stay but knew he had to get back to Black Manor as Kreature was being particularly sour at the moment.

He said his goodbyes, thanking Molly and Arthur for the party. His smile stayed for all but five minutes when he reached the manor.

"Kreature!" With a crack the grumpy house elf appeared in front of the boy. "Yes Master Potter, how can Kreature be of service." His voice was slightly sarcastic but Harry brushed it off.

"Would you be able to prepare my room for the night. I have to go somewhere."

"Of course Master Potter." He snapped his fingers and disappeared from view. A crash of boxes could be heard from upstairs, followed by the angry moans of the elf.

Harry grabbed his wand and a black hoodie from the coat peg. Making sure his face was barely visible he disapparated to diagon alley.

There were few people on the streets at such an hour. Harry quick marched to his destination, praying he wasn't spotted.


Harry spun around, his eyes narrowed and wand raised. He knew that voice anywhere. It's a voice that tormented him throughout his years at school.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

"I need your help."

Aeterni - Drarry ✓Where stories live. Discover now