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"Dray! Where have you put my coat!" Harry's voice yelled out from the bedroom.

"On the peg where it belongs. Did you even look?" Draco laughed. A thunder of footsteps came down the stairs and a vibrating Harry stood at the door.

"We are going to be late! Ron and Mione left ages ago. Come on Dray!"

The two were finally able to leave their little hidey-hole. The Weasley's had spent a week putting unbreakable protection charms on the burrow, so no one could enter if they weren't a Weasley, Hermione, Harry or Draco.

Harry of course was absolutely buzzing with excitement. They were his family who he hasn't seen since the attack.

Draco on the other hand was sick with worry. He hates the thought of something happening to Harry if they left the safety of their newfound home.

Despite his fears he followed Harry to the fireplace and watched as Harry threw the floo powder. "The Weasley Burrow" he said and dissapeared. They decided that he should go first as to not freak out the family.

Draco stepped into the chimney, took a shaky breath and whispered "the Weasley Burrow."

"Draco!" He was instantly smothered by Molly. Harry barely made a sound, the work Ron and Hermione have been doing has really helped their aggression.

"Hi Mrs Weasley," Draco managed to mumble even though he could barely breath.

"Please boy call me Molly." She said fondly. Harry slotted his hand into Draco's and led him to the couch. The entire family was in the slightly too small living room waiting for their arrival.

"So, you discovered any more powers?" George asked. Harry waited for the echo which was Fred until the heart breaking realisation hit him.

"Um, yes actually. Do you wanna explain Dray." Draco nodded.

"So we found this book written by Merlin. He essentially propheciesd our... relationship. Saying it was woven into the fabric of the universe or something like that," he paused and looked at Harry for confirmation. Then continued. "In the book he said that over time our powers will grow stronger and we will have a stronger connection through our powers. We also have a telepathic link."

"It's so cool!" Harry chimed in, making Draco smile.

"It is. So yeah, everything else you know. Flying, wandless elemental magic, telepathic link. Oh and we have been working on the whole growling thing too."

Ginny couldn't help but laugh. "I have to say, seeing you two growl was pretty funny." She said through her giggles. Draco rolled his eyes but smiled none-the-less.

"What are you planning to do? You can't hide in that graveyard forever. Besides didn't that prophecy say something about you two bringing peace to the wizarding world?" Hermione asked, instantly shutting up Ginny with her tone.

"Well," Draco looked to Harry for an answer but he just shrugged and sunk into the sofa.

"We have no idea what to do." Harry said truthfully. Arthur looked at them wide eyed.

"Whatever you decide to do, we will support you no matter what." Molly said encouragingly. The pair smiled gratefully at the woman's kindness.

"If you don't mind me saying, I think you should go to the ministry." Arthur contributed

"What??" Harry and Draco screeched in unison, subconsciously grabbing each others hand.

"We would get locked up. Or worse killed. Especially me. The entire world knows I...I" Draco didn't need to finish his sentence for everyone to understand.

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