What did you expect me to do?

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The tall aura creeped up to Draco, wand raised. However before he could cast his curse, Draco whipped around sending a burst of fire around the man.

The man writhed in pain, screaming for it to stop. The fire disappeared and the man ran out the room.

"Anyone else wish to harm me? No. Thought not." He turned back round to Harry, who was now collapsed on the floor. His eyes were flashing between red and his normal emerald green. The runes were so getting bright that it was hard to look at him.

Draco pulled up Harry's sleeve and pressed his hand to the burning mark. Harry cried out in pain, but it was working. The light was fading.

"We need to get out of here." Ron stated, trying to lift Harry up. A growl escaped Draco's mouth and Ron instantly let go.

"How? We can't disapperate. They have security charms everywhere." Hermione was crying as she tried to keep Harry comfortable.

"Dray, help me." Harry whispered, the pain clear in his voice.

"I am trying baby, I am trying." Draco said, also in tears.

"This is proof that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not fit to be amoungst wizard kind. Take them away." Fudge yelled over the chaos, smacking his gavel on the table.

Hermione and Ron were ripped off of Harry. Draco was tackled to the floor by at least five wizards. Draco screamed out in pain as his arm was twisted, possibly dislocated.

"Get off me!" Those words sparked a fire in Harry.

Allowing his power to take over he punched the ground, sending shock waves that shook the entire ministry. The wizards were thrown of Draco, who flew straight up as soon as he was free.

"Monsters!" Fudge yelled.

"We're the monsters? Who hunts creatures like us for fun. Who inflicts pain on innocent beings just because you can. We fought back those death eaters because they threatened our family, our home. And you have the audacity to call us monsters." Harry thundered. His voice was dripping with hatred and anger. He hovered just below Draco, not taking his eyes of the minister.

"Harry?" Molly's terrified voice broke through the eery silence Harry created.

Harry's red eyes softened at her fear. Only then did he allow himself to observe the damage he had caused.

Cracks laced the walls like spiderwebs. Small pieces of the ceiling were scattered around the room. Some of the jury members had large gashes from falling debris.

Harry clamped his hand to his mouth, sobs wracking though his body.

"See what you have done?" Fudge yelled, a slight smirk on his face.

"What did you expect me to do? I certainly wasn't going to let you hurt my mate."

"Mate?" A familiar looking witch had a curious expression on her face. "What do you mean Mister Potter."

"Enough, Bones. Their fate has been decided."

Harry was ready to erupt. His body was shaking in fury. A glow surrounded him, making him look ironically angelic despite the blood red eyes.

"This trial is still active. You have angered them enough. Let. Them. Speak." Bones yelled, the authority in her voice not to be trifled with.

Fudge mumbled something incoherent and sat down. A wave of his hand urged Draco to speak.

"We are the last known pair of the Aeterni. Ancient bonds tie Harry and I together, bonds that were prophesied by Merlin the Great." With a flick of his wrist the book materialised in front of Amelia Bones. Draco continued. "The prophecy states that Harry and I will return a state of peace to the wizarding community. However we cannot do this if we keep getting attacked." He spat the last words, looking furiously at Fudge.

"We mean you no harm. Yes, ok, we may have lost control, but we were only acting in self defense." He gestured around the room to the hundreds of wands pointing at them. "Those death eaters came to us looking for a fight. It was none of our doing." Harry concluded, Draco now by his side. They were still hovering above the crowd, scared what will happen if they return to the ground.

Amelia Bones was flicking through Merlin's diary with curiosity. With each page her face shifted from fear to amazement. She skipped to the end, to the page holding the prophecy, her eyes wide.

"What Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy have stated is true. This book holds all the proof needed to show that these two wizards are of no threat. Cornelius however has shown acts verging on treason, disregarding the law for his own personal fears and feelings. This is not the first time something like this has occured during his time as minister. I hear by suggest to the Wizengamot that Fudge shall be suspended from his position permanently."

The hall was completely silent. No one dared interrupt Bones. Fudge had a look of pure terror on his face. Slowly the sound of claps echoed through the hall; beginning with the Weasley's, soon spreading to everyone else.

Fudge was dragged of his pedestal, quickly replaced by a smug looking Amelia. She beckoned the two boys to come down. They hesitantly obliged, clinging onto the others hand for support.

"As the right hand, I hear by pardon you. You are free to leave with the rights of every other Witch and Wizard." Harry beamed at her, allowing the tears he had been biting back to fall.

He was still shaking uncontrollably, skin still glowering from the runes. Draco felt the heat emitting from Harry's marks.

"Thank you Mrs Bones. We are beyond grateful. But I am afraid Harry must receive medical attention, so we must be going. Thank you." Draco gushed, shaking the woman's hand a little to vigorously.

"Of course. Please go get him seen to. I fear there is something very wrong." The two walked out of the hall, closely followed by the Weasley family. Ron and Draco supported Harry, who was now struggling to walk. Everyone had a sombre expression despite the fact they had been allowed to go freely.

'Hold on Harry. We are going to get you help.'

Those were the last words Harry remembered before slipping into an uneasy state of unconsciousness.

Another long one! I hate Fudge with a burning passion so I had to have him thrown of his perch. Amelia to the rescue!

Sorry for the endless cliffhangers, what can I say I am a bitch 😂😂

Until next time!!!

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