Part 14

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I went in after him and knocked on the door. Apparently he was sitting by the door already and opened it for me. I sat down next to him and just laid my head on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me about any of this?"

"I don't like talking about my problems much... I usually had Toby and I wouldn't have to say anything, he'd just know. We always had each other to look out for ya know?"

"Why'd you choose Christian then?"

"I don't know."

We sat there a while longer and he surprised me when he start chuckling; then he couldn't hold back any longer and let out a really ugly laugh! He looked like a maniac but I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

He could barely speak; "I'm s- s- sorry! It's not f- funny, b-b-but it was hilarious!"

"What was?!"

"You won't find it very funny though... I'm fine now, I won't laugh anymore."

"Tell me tell me tell me!"

"You don't want to know!"

"Pweeeasssseeeee tell me."

"Fine, fine. But don't hate me when I tell you..." He gave me a glance to reassure him I wouldn't get mad. "When I threw Christian across the room, his face looked like he needed to take a huge dump!"

I just stared at him for a few seconds.

"I told you, you wouldn't find it funny."

"What's wrong with you? How could you think that's..." I couldn't help it any longer, I just start cracking up! "that's soooo messed up but so funny at the same time!"

"You jerk! You made me feel like such an ass!"

"Good! Cause you are! But a funny one!"
"No! It can't be! You can't be here! How did you find me?! Get away from me! Someone help me! Josh! Josh, where are you?"

"No use in calling him, I only needed him to open the door for me. He's no longer of use to me."

"What did you do to him?!! Let me see him!"

"Ahhhhhh! Whine, whine whine. Shut the fuck up!!!! You're so annoying which is one of the reasons I had to-"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Don't talk about it! Take me to Josh!"

"Or what?!"

I don't know where I got it from but I had a gun in my hand and I pointed it at him.

"Whoa whoa, calm down Har bear. No need to get feisty babe."

"Don't you dare call me that!"

"Why? Didn't you miss lil old Victor calling you sweet names? Holding you? Touching-"

"Take me to him now or I swear i'll blow your brains out!"

"You didn't answer the question Harmony, I want to know. Tell me. Say it and i'll take you to him. Tell me that you missed me and you wished I could be with you all the time, make love to you all night long."

"You're sick! You're fucking sick! I fucking hate you!!!!"

"That's no way to talk to me, you think soon after you kill me that my friend won't kill Josh? Come now baby, give me the gun and give it to me now!"

"Swear that you'll let Josh go."

"Pinky promise. Cross my heart and hope to die."

"I hope that happens too." I muttered.

"Give me the fucking gun!!!"

I put the gun down and rolled it across the floor.

"Good girl. Now come here."

I walked over slowly towards him waiting for him to lead the way when he grabbed me from behind and start kissing my neck and tried to grope my breasts.

"Get off of me!"

He slapped me and I fell to the ground.

"You bitch! Don't you know that I always win? Oh look at you, poor thing. Look at what you made me do. I missed you baby, I promise i'll try not to hit you again, but you need to learn some respect for me."

He pulled me up and lead me out of the room. I walked down the stairs and saw Josh, all beat up and tired of breathing. I couldn't believe who was with him, it was Veronica. She leaned on him like she needed to escape drowning, I wanted to kill her but I needed to get to Josh first. His breathing was coming to an end. I started to run towards him but I was too late! Victor screamed, "Now!"

There was a loud bullet fired. Josh's body dropped to the ground! Nooo, my Josh. I shouldn't have got him involved and now there's a bullet in his head. Veronica put it there! I screamed and ran to him, fell to the floor and let tears flow out of my eyes. It wasn't long until Veronica was on top of me trying to choke me to death. I used all my strength to pull her hair to the ground and she let go, I climbed on top of her and start punching the shit out of her when she grabbed the gun and smacked my head with it. I thought I was going to die but she was being lifted off of me. Victor had pulled her off by her hair and punched her to the ground.

"You stupid bitch! I never said you could touch her! She's mine and only mine, do you understand?!!"

She stayed down holding her eye but she nodded.

"Get the fuck out of here! I will no longer be in need of your service, your money is already at your house."

She got up as quick as she could and ran out. Now it was just me, Victor, and Josh's lifeless body. Victor start walking towards me, I knew my life was going to end pretty soon. I held onto Josh and wished he'd wake up.

"Josh! Josh! I need you! Please! Please Josh!"

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