Chapter 1- Someone at the Door

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The majority of this book will probably be In Alarik's POV however you will be able to tell with the name I put at the top of the chapter. 

If there isn't a name at the top, then it means it's in the same POV as the person before. I hope that makes sense... Now, on with TIME WILL TELL. 


There was a frantic knocking on the front door and I quickly went to answer it, thinking it was Allison. She should have been here already and I had started to get worried, relaxing slightly when I heard the knocking.

When I pulled the door back however, instead of Allison there was a smaller woman looking up at me, clearly shaken. Her whole body looked like it was about to collapse into a million pieces if anyone touched her. 

"I-I need to speak to Alpha Trenton. I- saw something, something bad. Please, I need someone to help me."

My brows crinkled. I wasn't sure what she'd seen that could be so bad, it was as if she'd watched someone get murdured. I prayed that was not what had actually happened. If this woman had indeed seen something so gruesome that would truly be terrible. That and it meant that someone had been killed within our own pack. 

"Right, come this way. I'll take you to him," I said quietly stepping to the side. I didn't want to touch her, because I didn't want to be the one responsible for breaking her. 

I led her through the house, making our way back to my father's office. 

"Um, dad. Someone's here to see you. She says she saw something, and that she needs your help."

My father looked up from the stacks in front of him and motioned me to let her through. I pulled the door open further and let her step through on her own telling her to take a seat in the chair. She almost looked as if she couldn't remember how to sit down, and it had me wondering again what could have possibly been so bad. 

I let the door close behind her and I couldn't help by stick by the room to listen to what she said. I heard my father urge her to say whatever it was and then her small voice started. 

It felt like my heart had stopped. I couldn't believe any of this.

I had felt something off, that much I know, but I never dreamed I'd hear the words that were coming from this woman's mouth. 

She had just told my father an abduction had taken place outside her home. Taken right off the sidewalk by two large men. The girl she described matched the description of Allison, and I had to take a seat. 

She'd come to tell my father, it had been someone in his pack after all that had been taken, I couldn't help but listen outside the door. My body sunk to the ground as my mind whirled. 

Someone had taken Allison. No, there was no way someone would have taken Allison, there was no possible way that could have happened. 

Then why isn't she here yet? I asked myself. 

That was a good question. It had been over an hour since she said she'd be here, and it didn't take that long to get here from any of the places she was at. 

I'd tried her phone, but each time it had gone straight to voice mail, no rings, and when I tried contacting her directly there had been nothing.

I quickly picked up my phone and dialed Cassie, the girl picked up on the third ring. 

"Hello?" Her confused voice asked from the other end. 

"Cassandra, It's Alarik, did Allison leave your place already?"

Time Will Tell (sequel to HMM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora