Chapter 3- The Guilt

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I slammed the door behind me as I stormed my way into the house. Nothing was safe from my wrath. If whoever was behind this wanted on my bad side, then they'd most certainly accomplished that. 

I was mad for various reasons. 

I was mad because Allison was gone. 

I was mad because there was no trace of her. 

I was mad because all my efforts so far had been useless. 

I was mad. 

I felt the anger seething out of me, and just inside the kitchen I was met by my mother's worried expression. 


I knew that quiet tone of hers. She was going to try and talk me down, to get me to settle down and talk to her. I didn't want to talk, I didn't want to do anything besides get Allison back. I still hadn't been able to reach her and it had been nearly twenty-four hours. Either something was blocking her from me, or she was dead. 

No, she isn't dead. I would know if she were. Wouldn't I?

I thought I would. That somehow I would know. But I just felt the same as I normally did, only significantly more pissed off. 

"Mom please."

My father had told her what happened while I'd been out I assumed. Neither of them knew for sure if it was Allison, but there was no other explanation. She was no where within the pack limits. 

"Your father went to tell her parents," she whispered. 

Her parents. They'd been gone when I was over there, I had just been over there the morning before. I had seen her smiling face, I'd felt her lips on mine. I'd heard those sweet words come from her mouth. Now I was starting to doubt that I'd ever hear those words from her again, that I'd hear any words from her again. 

The O'Brian's had left long before they'd said they would. My father had drawn up the papers almost immediately and they had been on their way. When I'd gone to hunt Hazel down, both her and her father were gone without a trace. 

I knew where they were of course, they were back with their pack. 

"It was Hazel," I said through gritted teeth. 

My mother looked at me with a slight frown, not sure what I said. 

"Hazel did this."

"Alarik, don't you think you may be seriously jumping to conclusions here. And about another Alpha might I add."

I knew how dangerous it was to assume anything about another Alpha or their family, especially the heirs. However in this case I had no reservations about it at all. 

"Mom. She's worse than dad. If she sees something she wants then she's going to make sure she gets it. It doesn't matter how she has to do it, she'll do anything."

I paused for a moment, thinking over everything that happened during our last encounter, the last time they were here. 

"And the way dad phrased it made her believe there was a loophole."

"What are you talking about." My mother's voice had strained slightly. She was as worried about this as I was now. 

"He said that as long as I had my mate, I would not be married off for a deal between the two packs."

"Well she may not be here," my mother started, "But can't you still reach her at all? You know she's still alive."

"No I don't." My voice had been a choked whisper. Barely audible to even myself. "I can't get her at all. There's nothing there when I try, just a big wall of nothingness. That can't be right, I should be able to feel something shouldn't I? Feel if she's alive, if she's hurt, if she's--dead."

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