Chapter 6- Connected

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I sat up straight in bed, my heart was pounding in my chest and I felt like it was about to explode. It wasn't so much as what had woken me up, but who. 


There hadn't been much. Just a flash of her eyes and the feeling of excruciating pain and dizziness. I felt like I was about to puke from the experience, but that was okay. 

The feeling was too real to have been in my head which means that I had to have connected with her. If I connected with her then that means she's alive. 

The thought didn't slow my heart down any, in fact it only sped it up, made it feel like it was going to explode, because if I had indeed made contact with her, then that meant what I had felt was what she was feeling. Possibly even worse. 

I had felt like my arms were cut open, and if that was the case, the dizziness must be from blood loss. 

That brought up a new question, if she is alive, then why can't I make contact at any point?

I absentmindedly rubbed my forearms where the pain had been. It had only been a second, and I was glad that it had. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to feel that constantly. 

The anger flared up again. What were they doing to her?

I tried to push back, to form some sort of connection again, but she was gone. 

I felt a shot of panic go through me. 

What if that hadn't been her just passing out? What if that had actually been her dying?

I refused to believe such a thing. I was still convinced that I would know if she died. 

But what if it just felt like going to sleep?  

I would feel the emptiness. I felt empty, but I still had hope and that was what I was clinging to. 

I got up and dressed and went down to my dad's office. 

I pulled up all the papers that tracked what he had done as far as tracking Allison. He had sent three groups of two out in different directions to scope out the towns in the nearby area. They had been warned specifically not to cross into any other territories. 

I was almost one hundred percent certain humans wouldn't try to hide a werewolf on the land of another pack. 

Unless it's their pack. 

I had told my mother that I was going there in the morning. I was going to march straight up to that she-devil and tell her I knew exactly what she was doing. That if she didn't stop then she was going to pay. 

I wouldn't kill her, oh no. I would wait until I got Allison back and then do to her what she'd had done to Allison ten times over. Let her worthless werewolf body heal just to have me do it again. 

I felt my fists clench and unclench. 

I went over to the wall where there was a map of the area. My father had put it up for territory lines and marking for the packs around us, but I was going to use it for the human areas. 

I had glimpsed part of the room Allison had been in through the bit of her eyes I'd seen. Like a reflection of the man beside her and the walls and ceiling around him. 

They had all been bare and white, but the texture had seemed weird. 

I wasn't sure if looking at a map would do me much good, it wasn't like I could see where buildings were or anything. 

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