Chapter 10 - Memories

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The cloud of purple subsided and soon everyone was in the same graveyard you visited the day before.

"Welcome to New Orleans!" Walking through the group were two people. "There we are," you and Alastor smile as you both walk to your grave.

"Woah... Smiles got some looks," Angel nudges you slightly.

"Now be respectful, don't touched break  anything..." the group followed you to the giant tomb. "Those x's represent wishes," they watched as you granted wishes, soon moving onto another grave. "That's mamas grave, not as fancy as mine but it was the most I could afford at the time," smiling when you conjure a marigold Angel wraps an arms around your shoulder.

"Where to now, boss?"

"Where ever you'd like," Charlie's eyes light up immediately. "Yes, my dear, I mean anywhere," Charlie grabs Vaggies hand and zooms out the graveyard.

"What do you recommend?" You take angels hand and walk with him to Mama Delphines.

"I'm giving you the full New Orleans Voodoo experience, Mon Ange!"


Reliving memories you happily walked with Niffty and Angel who were listening to your speech about voodoo culture, at least Niffty was. As night turned around you found everyone gathered in one street, looking up at the beautiful moon lit sky.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Tears seemed to prick at Charlie's eyes. "Oh my dear," you take out your handkerchief and wipe her Rosie cheeks now stained with tears. "Look at me," the demon belle sniffles and looks you in the eyes.

"Y-yeah?" Giving her a soft smile you slowly comb through her hair.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure you experience this first hand," straightening out her bow tie you sigh. "No matter the consequences, my little dove," she quickly hugs you tight subtly knocking the wind out your lungs.


"I promise," Vaggie gave a soft smile which you hadn't had the pleasure of seeing until now. "This memory is almost over, how about we head back and I make everyone some of mamas traditional Beignets?"

"Hell yea!" Angel fists pumps the air and pushes everyone down the street towards the graveyard.

"Uhm- Angel-" you were about to tell the spider that you could stop the memory wherever you were but Angel clasped a hand over your mouth.

"Less talk more walk," rolling your eyes you were soon in the graveyard again. "Let's do this thing," Angel rubs his hands together.

"I could have just-" but Angel stops suddenly and squeals. "What?" Looking behind you, you see yourself placing a flower in Alastors hair. Summoning your cane you slammed it on the ground three times before the memory continued. Immediately everyone was engulfed in a purple powered. Back in the lobby of the hotel you dust off your clothes. "Beignets?" Walking away with tinted cheeks everyone glanced from you to Alastor who walks away, whistling a tune.


You stress baked... it was obvious from the piles of baked goods all over the dining room table.

"You were just meant to make beignets," you slap your forehead. "I'll send some to IMP," summoning a basket you place a good amount of goods in the basket. The delivery shadow boy appeared again, taking the basket out your hands and waiting for instructions. "Stress baked all these hope you enjoy, p.s. Loona there is chocolate in the muffins so don't eat those," the shadow holds up a small note which you sign with a small heart.

"What the fuck?!" As the shadow disappears everyone walked in. "I'm not complaining but what the fuck?!" Angel takes a napkin and piles it with goods.

"Stress baking is a talent!" You say awkwardly as Angel gives a knowing glance. "Please enjoy," you take off your apron and summon more baskets, sorting goods neatly in them.

"Who are they for?"

"Cherri, Stolas, Millie and Moxxie, Blitzo,  and Loona... I did send some to IMP before but these are more personal... oh and Sir pentious," everyone chokes on their treats.

"Excuse me what?!"

"Where did I lose you?" You look up from the baskets to everyone.

"That serpent shit lord?!" Vaggie exclaims in disbelief.

"Oh, quite you, he's a lovely man," Angel scoffs at you. "I usually send him sweets when I stress bake,"

"Offended that I never get anything," the spider grumbles.

"If you gave me your address I would have," turning to the group of messenger demons you smile. "Hope you enjoy these treats," you turn to Stolas' messenger. "P.s. Blitzo misses you," you then turn to Blitzos messenger. "P.s. Stolas is looking for you," continuing to add extra notes to the cards you sign each one before sending them on their way. "Blitzo is so going to kill me,"

"These are great, kid," You grin at Husk.

"Thank you, Husk," turning to niffty who was sweeping away crumbs you smile. "Come on, Niffty, let's go clean up," the demons eyes light up as she drags you into the kitchen.

"Are you sure all this sugar is good?" Vaggie looks at all the sweets.

"Probably not but who cares!" Charlie continues to stuff her face like Gretel in the witches candy house as Vaggie shakes her head and bites into a muffin.


Pov: it's 1 am and this is the third chapter you've written today

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Pov: it's 1 am and this is the third chapter you've written today

- Anna ❤️

Voodoo: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now