Chapter 11 - Sold souls

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Happily eating the delicious dinner Niffty had prepared as usual you were talking with Husk who was explaining his mortal life.

"Well I think that's-" you feel a tap on your shoulder. "Yes?" You look down at the shadow who held up a small crystal ball. "Now?" It nods urgently.

"What's wrong?" Charlie looks at you slightly curious. You stand up and place away your napkin.

"Someone decided to summon me... if it's a bunch of kids I swear..." taking the crystal ball you place it on the ground, slowly it rolls in a circle creating a violet portal. "I'll be back," hopping into the circle it closes just as soon as it opened.


"Did it work?" You hear a deep voice.

"Congratulations, it did," your voice rings through the dark room. Clicking your fingers the candles light up again. Two figures jump away from you. Seeing the surroundings you were in the centre of a pentagram.

"My queen," the two figures get up and bow their heads.

"What do you want? I was having a lovely meal," you see fear pass over the woman's face as she looked to the man.

"Very sorry to disturb you, we were hoping for a wish in exchange for a sacrifice," they lowered their heads.

"I shall consider it once I know your wish and sacrifice..." they both nod, the man hands you over a slip of paper with three X's written in blood. Rolling your eyes at the dramatically written wish you place a hand over the paper and see what their wish was.

Mighty Voodoo Queen! We wish for everlasting wealth and power, in exchange we shall sacrifice our souls.

Opening your eyes again you grin from ear to ear. Conjuring up your cane you lean to the side.

"Is this truely what you wish for?" They nod their heads quickly. "You do understand that with your souls sold to me, you will be bound to the fiery pit of the fourth circle of hell?" You expression darkens but you're smiles stayed. The two looked to each other with unsure looks.

"Give is a moment," the man turns away the woman.

"Please... take your time," you say sarcastically. Looking around you see the altar they had made for you. Admiring the flowers and food... was that a chickens heart?! You hold in your disgust and turn back to the two who were arguing.

"I don't think we should do this," the man whispered.

"We got this far, we are doing this, I don't care," she barks back. She grabs the mans hand and happily turns to you. "Let's do this," clapping your hands together you take out a small vial.

"Wonderful choice, my darlings!" Taking your small blade from you cane the man flinched. "Don't worry, just a pinch of blood works,"

"You first," the woman pushes the man forward.

"Come here, my dear," quickly taking his finger your slice the skin and pour the blood into the vial. "Now you," you hold the blood filled vial and take out another.

"Y-yes, your majesty," she holds out her finger. Slicing her finger with a little more force she holds back a cry of pain. The blood dropped into the vial making your eyes glow purple. Clicking your fingers a shadow appears making the couple jump in surprise. The shadow hands you a pack of cards which makes you smile. Taking two blank cards you drop the blood onto the cards, the blood swirls over before being absorbed into the card.

"All done!" You say happily when the cards were plastered with their faces.

"R-really?" You nod your head and give the cards back to the shadow.

"Yes, did you expect something else?" You giving a hard glance at the woman who quickly shakes her head. "Good,"

"T-thank you, your majesty,"

"Your wealth and power will start at sunrise," grabbing a crystal ball from the waiting demon the woman suddenly stops you.

"W-we have a gift," she takes out a small jar with a bloody heart in it. Keeping your disgust to a minimum you thank them before dropping the crystal ball which circles the ground.

"You speak of this encounter and your wish will not come true but your souls will stay mine," they nod their heads. "Au revoir!" Jumping into the portal you left the couple shocked.


Landing on the ground of the dining room you saw everyone still eating.

"Sorry that took so long,"

"Is- is that a heart?!" Niffty squeaks. You look down at the jar and nod.

"A gift! But I think a cupcake would have suffice," you hand the jar over to a shadow. "Get rid of it," it nods and disappears.

"What... Uh... what were you summoned for?" Husky asks a question that was on everyone's mind.

"A couple wanted wealth and power in exchange for their soul," you say nonchalantly. "Honestly, do people have no creativity?" You complain to no one in particular.

"Uh... yeah..." Husk continues to eat as everyone shrugs and eats.


Small picture but adorable nonetheless!

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Small picture but adorable nonetheless!

- Anna ❤️

Voodoo: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now