Chapter 17 - Extermination

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An hour before extermination. It was time to put up the barrier. You see, every extermination day you put up a barrier using a very simple but quite powerful spell. You usually needed a bit for your own house but this time it was the hotel on the line. Everyone was minding their own business when you walked into the lobby and opened the hotel door.

"Where are you going?!" Vaggie tried to pull you back in but you shrugged her off.

"I need to set up a barrier," having measured the perimeter of the hotel you calculated the amount of blood needed. Hell was quiet and empty... a very odd feeling. Pulling back your glove to expose your palm you take out your blade and slice your skin. Holding back a cry of pain at the more than deep cut. Kneeling down you drew a sigil at the doorstep. Saying a soft incantation your eyes glowed, the sigil growing in size. Circling the entire hotel at a fast speed before creating a large bubble.

"You ok?" Angel helped you up as you cradled your hand. "Let's get that fixed up," you nod and walk back, admiring your work.


"Welcome back to the most wonderful time of the year!" Alastor had just started his broadcast the moment the siren rung throughout hell. He had set up his studio in the dining room saying he would like a closer access to the kitchen for a drink.

"Psycho," Vaggie grumbles making Charlie slap her hand lightly.

"Let him have his fun," everyone watched as the Radio demon happily commentated on the first kill of the day.

"Oh! What a performance, quiet a fight that sinner put up!" A laughing track followed his comment making you smile slightly.


Hours passed. Alastor never lost energy, finding joy in the extermination you could help but shift your gaze up from your book to the Radio demon who's eyes were bright and full of life. You feel a tap on your shoulder and look up to see you shadow holding up a pair of glasses.

"Where did you find these?" It shrugs and fades into the corner. Smiling softly you put on the glasses and look at Alastor who was now in his human form. Lowering your book slightly you watched as he happily laughed and smirked when another death took place. Suddenly his eyes meet yours making him grin and you avert your gaze in embarrassment.

"You wear glasses?" Niffty looks up from her current embroidery, noticing your glasses. Turning to Niffty you could help but gasp. Her hair was a dark ginger, skin now light and less yellow, face lightly spotted with freckles, her two eyes a light brown and a cute button nose making you look in awe. "What? Is there lint on my dress?!" She looks around in a state of panic.

"No!" You quickly calm her down. "No, my dear, It's just that these glasses show sinners in their human forms," you laugh lightly.

"Seriously?" Everyone looks up to you.

"Yeah," you turn to them and gasp yet again. "You all look amazing!" Angel had light blonde hair with dark roots and pale skin, and dark brown eyes with black eyeshadow adding to the look. Husk was tall and well built with slicked back black hair with a few white strands and thick brows, his skin tan and covered in hair. Vaggie had beautiful caramel skin and deep brown eyes and hair, other than that everything was the same. Lastly Charlie was the one who shocked you. She had a human form, red spots on her cheeks now replaced with light blush on creamy skin, she looked the same but with more life than her usually pristine white skin would allow.

"Hey, can I try?" You nod and hand the glasses to Angel who looks around. "Husk, baby, you look hot!" The cat demon blushes and folds his arms. One by one everyone took turns admiring everyone else.

"I-..." when it came to Charlie's turn she first looked at herself and nearly broke down at the sight of her human form. "I have a human form?" She sniffles and turns to Vaggie before gasping and running to her girlfriend. "You look beautiful!" You watched in awe, looking back you see Alastor placing down his headphones and walking up to the commotion.


"Just for half an hour," he mumbles softly.  Gazing at Charlie he quirks a brow. "Glasses?"

"They let sinners see human forms of others, apparently Charlie has a human form," leaning on your cane suddenly your phone buzzes. Texts from Millie, Moxxie, Blitzo and Loona buzzes theoigh making your heart drop.

Pick up!

Y/n the building got attacked!

Please help!

Dropping your phone you step back making everyone turn to you. "Y/n? What's wrong,"

"M-Millie- Moxxie- they- their building got attacked-" picking up your phone you see them send their location. "I- I have to get them!"

"What? No!" Angel stops you from walking to the door. "Are you crazy?!"

"They are my friends!" You growl.

"If they die then that's their fate, my dear," you turn to Alastor with tear filled eyes.

"No- no this isn't their fate! Not on my watch! And you certainly don't get to decide whether or not I save them," you poke Alastors chest and push him back slightly.


"No! They mean too much, and none of you can stop me,"

"It's suicide," Husk growls with concern.

"Then so be it," you get out of Angels grasp and open the hotel door. Using your cane your outline a door on the barrier.

"At least let me come with you," you feel Alastor grab your hand.

"Go back to your broadcast, I'll be fine," walking through the door it shuts immediately leaving your group safe and you out in the open.



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Anyways... i personally love this image ^ it speaks to me 😌

- Anna ❤️

Voodoo: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now