Chapter 8: Brother's Forever

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Time skip 4 years

Beep, Beep, Beep, Be-click…

My hand lightly smacked the alarm clock by my nightstand shutting off the noise as I turned to look at the time. My eyes still groggy, but thanks to the sharingan I clearly saw the time which read 5am. The slowly creeping light of daybreak attempted to penetrate my curtains signaling that it was still dark out but getting lighter by the minute. As I lay on my stomach, one arm sprawled outwards toward my alarm clock and another arm underneath my pillow, I gave a slight moan from the soreness of my body and being woken up at this hour.

I had trained until my body and mind were completely exhausted and only stopped when 3am rolled around the corner. A poor choice on my part. Even with my body's amazing regenerative abilities due to having a large portion of Hashirama's cells in me, 2 hours of rest was most definitely not enough to restore myself to peak state. I usually wake up at this time to do some morning exercises and meditation but it looks like I'll have to skip out on the exercise portion today.

I unceremoniously kicked off my bed sheets and rolled out of bed. I gave my body a good stretch and a soft yawn before heading into the shower and completing my daily care necessities. After I got dressed in my attire I noted the time on the clock to be 6am. I had 2 hours before class started. I made my bed quickly and sat down on top in the lotus position beginning my morning meditation.

It's been 4 years since Kimimaro, Haku, and I have arrived and become official citizens of the leaf village. A lot has happened in these past 4 years. For one, Kimimaro, Haku, Naruto, Sasuke, myself and many others are 11 years old of age now. Our graduation exam will be later today which will consist of a written and practical portion. One of the basic requirements to graduate is to successfully perform the Clone Jutsu. This will be a cinch. It also means that Naruto will fail and he will steal the scroll of sealing tonight from the Hokage's residence.

During these past 4 years, I was finally able to obtain a few sets of the special kunai I wanted to use for my Flying Thunder God technique. I even took up an apprenticeship in blacksmithing and weapon forging all for the sake of making my own weapons. This not only helped me make some money, but also allowed me to save money by making my own instead of buying them. Naturally I also ended up making more senbon needles for Haku, and Kimimaro is a living weapon so there was no need for him to carry any.

I started getting a handle on the Rasengan, but its not perfect yet. For now it takes me too long to build up the chakra, contain it, and spin it violently. By the time I finish all the steps my opponent would have slit my throat and I'd doubt my enemies would wait for me to complete my jutsu. If I try to build up my Rasengan too fast then I lose out on the power and at most it'll act like a super strong punch with some extra force behind it, but it won't bring out the desired effect. My best bet is to try the Shadow Clone tactic that Naruto used if I really need to use this technique.

One other struggle I'm having is with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. I've pretty much mastered the technique to teleport myself, the problem is that teleporting other objects or people is truly complicated. Having to connect my chakra with theirs or connecting them to my teleportation sealing network is difficult to master. It currently takes up too much chakra to transport other objects and people since I don't have a good grasp on this yet. I let out a deep sigh, I can only continue working at it.

On the plus side I've increased the total amount of chakra my body can contain. Now I won't be so helpless when I meet dangerous opponents. I'm confident in taking on any chunin level expert and even ordinary jonin level opponents. I'm not sure what my chances would be though if I had to face someone like Kakashi right now, though I'm confident I can escape with my life. Which brings me to wonder who my jonin instructor will be after graduation.

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