chapter 9

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Ella's POV:
"Enough both you. You're acting like children embarrassing yourselves in front of the whole school. So stop now please" I said facing Andrew with a pleading eye.

I know he's defending me but right now I can't keep watching them fight.

This is all gonna be a scandal once the whole school finds out, I don't want more attention to myself than I already have.

Gabriel's face was already down and he's bleeding also, what's really going on with me?

Why have I become so soft for the person I hate so much? I can't let my old feelings resurface.

No. They are feelings that made me weak and I don't want that.

Everyone is looking at us, I went to class and picked my bag. I went out of the school ignoring Andrew and Daniela's call.

I'm not attending this school anymore. I'm going for plan b. Destroying him without attending this school, I'll ruin his entire family.

He thinks he can hurt someone and get away just because he's rich, I'm not going to let this go. Never.

I got home and carried my son, Mom was taking a shower.

Well I have my own key to the house, I'm taking my son out of this house for a while.

Once he gets out of school, William might be the first thing he comes for and since he doesn't like me, he may try to take my son away.

I've seen so many similar situations in movies and real life, I can't let him do that to me.

I wrote down a letter for my mom and got out after packing a few things. I took my mom's car this time and drove all the way to the outskirts of the city.

I drove to a small town in the suburban area. I rented room at a motel and got a few things I needed.

I'm gonna be here for days until I've gotten an idea on what to do with Gabriel.

Thanks to him I'm running around like a fugitive.
Gabriel's POV:

I deserve everything Andrew did to me that's why I didn't fight back.

I really hurt a poor girl, I've hurt a lot of girls but not in this way. Ella suffered way worse, she got pregnant and had a child.

My child, as soon as she got out of the school, I glared at everyone and they all left.
Andrew walked away angrily, Romeo and Daniela also walked away. I guess everyone is mad at me.

I went to the restroom and washed my face, then I went to the school clinic to treat my bleeding nose.

After that I got a call from my mom asking to see me at her office. Well if you wanna know my mom owns the school.

I didn't know she was in school today, I thought she'd go to the company she and my dad runs. This could only mean one thing, I'm in trouble.

I went to her office with a racing heart, I almost died when I saw Andrew and Romeo seated there too.

"Mom... You... Called me" I stuttered getting in.

"Close the door and come over here" she ordered with a serious face.

I closed the door and moved close to her with my face down, I guess these two already reported me to mom.

"Sit Gabriel"

I sat down expecting my doom, "Is it true?"


"Just tell me the truth Gabriel! Is it true or not?"

"I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to... I was drunk mom, I thought she was one of those girls who throw themselves at me. I didn't realize mom, please I'm sorry" I said with tears streaming down my face.

She came and hugged me, "It's okay Gabriel. On other days I'd have locked you up forever but what's done is done. You have to find her now and apologize. We need to beg her and her mother for making them suffer, so we have to go now. We will still talk but not now. Let's go look for her"

"Thank you Mom, I know where she lives"

Andrew didn't say anything, so did Romeo.

We all entered my car and drove straight to Ella's house.

Once I stopped in front of the house, I saw her mother sitting at the porch crying with a paper in her hand.

"Is this the place?" Mom asked.

"Yes. That's her mom" I replied still wondering what is wrong.

"Why's she crying?" Romeo asked.

"Let's go find out"

We got down and walked towards her but she got up and rushed to me.

"Thank goodness you came... Do you know where she is?" She asked with hope.

"Who? I don't understand?"

"Ella. She left with William and my car, she said the baby's father is trying to take the child away so she's hiding for a while. She didn't tell me where and I'm so worried" she said touching her head.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't know"

"If you don't know where she is then who are these people?"

"This is my mom, she owns our school and my friends Andrew and Romeo" I said introducing everyone.

"We came to see you and Ella but we can't find her now" Mom said.

"Yes... It's all the fault of that monster that got her pregnant. My daughter used to be so sweet and joyful. But she turned sour the moment he hurt her, I wanted to forgive him before but I changed my mind. I won't forgive him for ruining my only child's life. Now I can't find her or my grandson" she cried wiping her tears as they fall.

I looked at Mom, how do I tell her I'm the monster she's talking about?

"I have something to tell you" I finally broke the silence.

If there's anyone who should talk, it should be me.

"What is it?"

I breath deeply, "I'm the baby's father"

She stared at me for a while before landing a slap on my face, I was expecting it anyway.

"You! I always knew something was strange about you from the moment I saw you! You are the cause of everything!" She yelled fuming.

"Please calm down ma'am. I know how you feel.."

"No you don't! Tell your son to find my daughter before anything! If you don't find her, I don't ever want to see your face, all of you!" She walked inside angrily.

I fell on my knees, Look where I've landed myself. I don't even know where to start from, how do I know where she went to. Her number isn't going.

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