chapter 20

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Gabriel's POV:
What am i hearing? William is sick and Ella has refused to see him because she's mad at me?
Because of her jealousy and anger she's willing to let our son go through this? I'm so disappointed in her.
I never did anything with Louisa at least i controlled myself. I only woke up to find myself naked beside her, i know she drugged me when we had a drink together.
"what did you say mom?" she asked with a shaky and cracky voice.
"his heart condition is critical...The doctor has requested a payment of $100,000 to start an immediate surgery. What do we do Ella, i don't have that kind of amount now. I'm scared for his life, call his father please" her mother said and i could tell she was crying.
Ella has started crying too, she looked at me with fear.
"we're on our way ma'am" i said and ended the call.
"do you know the hospital?" i asked giving her the phone.
She nodded, "I'm sorry"
I didn't reply as i took her to my car, "get in" i ordered and also entered the car and drove straight to the hospital.
"I'm sorry please, i didn't know. I was angry...I don't hate my son, i love him with my whole life. Gabriel I know I'm wrong, please don't take him away from me" she begged crying.
"am gonna do that if you don't shut up right now" i growled and she cried more.
I know her tears are hurting me but nothing is compared to the pain and anger i feel right now.
"I'm sorry please" she begged.
I pulled over in front of the hospital and went in, i met her mom speaking with the doctor who i know to be a family friend.
He smiled upon seeing me, "hello Gabriel"
"start the operation immediately...I'll pay for everything just make sure my son is saved" i said without replying his greetings, he talks a lot.
"your son?" he asked sounding surprised.
"just get on with the damn surgery already!" i snapped angrily at him.
"okay...Easy boy" he said in surrender and left.
Ella came still sobbing, "mom...I'm very sorry, i don't hate my baby. I was just mad at Gabriel please"
Her mom patted her back, "its okay Ella, what matters now is the safety of William. I need to visit the nearby chapel to pray, please be strong kids" she said and left.
Ella sat down on a chair still crying, i just couldn't stand her tears anymore so i went to sit beside her.
I pulled her to myself and she hugged me like i wanted to run away.
"its okay, he's gonna be alright. I'm so sorry, i caused most of what happened. I will never cheat on you ever again, i love you way beyond that now" i said and kissed her hair.
"i love you too and I'm very sorry" she replied.
I smiled and kissed her lips, "i want to ask you something" she said breaking the kiss.
"ask anything" i replied.
"will you please be my boyfriend?"
I wasn't expecting that, i ended up laughing.
"well...Since you're begging me, yes i will" i said and we both laughed.
People in the hospital are staring at us but who cares what they think. Ella and my son are what's important to me right now, i can't lose any of them.
I pray nothing bad happens to William and that he pulls through.
Ella's POV:
I'm very sad but happy Gabriel is not too mad at me anymore, losing him and my son is unbearable.
"since when has he had this heart condition?" he asked me and i got scared again.
I want to tell him the truth, that our son is going through this because of my stupidity.
"when i found out i was pregnant, i was so devastated. I wanted to end my life so badly, one day i took so many sleeping pills but i didn't die. Then i took some abortion pills which almost made me die, but it turns out my baby payed for it. I'm really sorry, i didn't know it would result to this" i started crying again.
He sighed and wiped my tears, "its not your fault Ella. I understand how you feel, like i said i caused all this. Lets just keep praying he's fine" he said.
Please get well for me baby, i miss you already.
We waited for an hour before the doctor came out with the usual long faces they use to scare people.
We rushed to him, "how is my baby doctor?" i asked, just then mom came.

"the baby is out of danger and is at the ICU now. You can't see him yet, wait for him to respond to treatment. In a few hours you'll get to see him" he said putting me at ease.
"can we just glance at him?" mom asked desperately.
"just a peek, follow me"
We followed him to the intensive care unit, we saw my little angel laying in what looks like an incubator with different things connected to his body.
I hope you get well soon and come home baby, "don't cry Ella, he's gonna be fine"
"i feel so sorry for him, he doesn't deserve this" i whimpered.
"i need to call my parents" he said.
I nodded and faced the room again, poor William.

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