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Momina Abdul Majeed

It's been two months since Murad was off somewhere on planet earth, on a business trip. While I was staying at my parents, for a week now, in his absence to take care of myself. Although in my second trimester, mom was mostly back at our apartment, it was too much for her and she couldn't do both the houses at the same time. So I was being pushed into living with my parents. I was in my 3 trimester, and things have been a rollercoaster ride for me, ever since. I had become extremely sensitive and frustrated about anything and everything.

Like Murad on a trip, far away from us was frustrating. Every time we talk, it either ends up in a fight or one of us sleeps during the call.

My temper, my tantrums, my demands have reached another level. And my parents were having a hard time keeping me at bay. I could feel it from the look in their eyes, and I don't blame them.

Sometimes I begin sobbing for no reason at all. My mom asks me the reason, and calls Murad, thinking I might be missing him or something.

Sometimes I crave things like a taco at 9 at night. The thing is, pregnancy can be a pain in every way. For the going to be mother and the people around her.

I don't think with Murad being here with me would've made any difference. I would take all my frustration out on him, instead of my parents. But that doesn't give him a good reason enough to stay away.

I was mad at him and there was no hiding it, and he was well aware and felt 'guilty' of not being here.

Nonetheless, here I was forced to down the milk of glass, sitting on the tray, mocking me.

"I am not drinking milk," I said in a firm voice.

"Ya Rabbi! Send an angel to help me take care of my children." My mom prayed, raising her hands towards the sky.

"No angel is coming here. And, no one certainly has the power of making me drink milk, mom." I challenged her, crossing my arms over my chest, leaning back in the bed head.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Mom pulled a face at me and made her way out of my room to get the door. It was currently 3 pm and there was no stopping for my mom's relatives from coming to our house and spend hours here, gossiping.

The news of my pregnancy spread like wildfire amongst my family. Since the day I came home, one family after the other came to check and congratulate me on the good news. Many of which I didn't even recognize, but who cares? All I had to say was 'yes, I remember.' when they told me embarrassing stories from my childhood.

Aunt Ayesha had also paid many visits, with everyone. 

Everyone but Humdaan.

 I still hadn't seen him or heard from him. He was certainly sticking to his words, about not showing me his face.

And I didn't want that. I wanted to see him.

I don't know why. But I had to see him.

The alarm I had set for the next meeting, went off. Yes, I was still working from home. In my second trimester, I did go to the office. But the doctor had strictly warned me against doing so, saying it is too much for me to take.

But I had a plan B for myself. And that was work from home. That proved to be the perfect pass time and distraction for me. I wasn't going to louse around the house, chanting 'I am pregnant' mantra and can't do anything except eating and resting.

I heard as the manly voice said their Salam and mom replied. I wonder who it is now. Must be some Uncle of mine.

I shrugged and flicked my laptop on, prepping for the meeting.

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