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It had been over an hour since our last customer, and even then, it was just a thirty-year-old tourist from China looking for the nearest bathroom. I was officially bored.

I sighed loudly, leaning over the counter and staring at Everett. He sat on his usual stool, sipping a beer and scrolling through his phone. He wore a loose t-shirt and board shorts, his dark hair wet and pushed back. It was weird seeing him like this. Like he belonged here, on the beach.

I sighed again, leaning further onto the counter.

Everett's eyes snapped up to meet mine. "Do you mind?"

"No, you're not bothering me," I smiled brightly.

He rolled his eyes at me. "What do you want?"

"Nothing," I shrugged.

"Then why are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"That stupid sighing thing."

"Oh, that," I said cheekily. "I'm just bored."

"Then work," he said bluntly, turning back to his phone.

"But I did everything I needed to do," I whined. He paused to glare at me, and I sent him an exaggerated pout.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" he asked, raising a brow.

"I don't know," I said, frowning. "Entertain me or something. All you do is go on your phone all day."

"What? No, I don't," he shot back, but I could see him getting flustered. He shoved his phone into his pocket, narrowing his eyes at me. "I'm perfectly capable of getting off my phone."

"Right." I sent him a smug grin. All I'd ever seen him do was complain and go on his phone. I raised a brow at him. It made me curious. "What do you do on there anyway?"

He froze, surprised at my sudden question. His hazel eyes flashed at me and he hesitated. "I –"


I jumped, turning to see Tom enter through the back of the Shack.

"Tom," I smiled, sending him a nod.

"Slow day," he said. He glanced at Everett over my shoulder who had quickly plastered his frown back over his face and pulled out his phone again. "You can head off early. Not much point in standing around."

"Really?" I perked up instantly.

"Yeah," he smiled, gesturing vaguely to the beach. "You're young, go have fun. I saw Austin and the others down near Boost."

"You're the best," I said, grabbing my things and leaping over the counter.

Tom waved me off, "Yeah, yeah. See ya tomorrow kid."

I threw my duffel bag over my shoulder, slipping out of my shoes and digging my toes into the warm sand.

"Come on, Everett," I said, nudging his shoulder. "We're going."

He glanced down at me. It was annoying that he was still taller than me while sitting on a stool.

"What? Where?" he muttered, pocketing his phone instantly. He shoved his fingers through his hair, still damp from his run into the ocean earlier today.

"That way," I said, nodding down the beach. "The boys are there."

"Ooh, the boys," he teased, raising a brow at me.

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