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DEAR ISLA, I MISS YOU SO MUCH! Cambodia is fun. There's this super-hot American guy travelling with us! I just need to get away from my parents... I wish you were here. I know how much you like Americans (imagine me winking now). At least you can get some alone time with Austin! Miss you! Love, Sky.

I groaned, slamming the postcard down on the counter. It was the millionth time I'd read it since I found it in my mailbox this morning. She'd written it weeks ago, but I guess postage was slow from rural Cambodia to practically rural Australia.

I was jealous. There was no other way to put it.

While I was working every day at the Shack, she was helping people, and travelling, and meeting hot guys. I was sick of this tiny town. All I wanted was to be anywhere but here.

Suddenly, I felt extremely claustrophobic.

"Did Sky write you?"

I looked up to see the boys grinning at me from across the counter. Austin had spoken and I blushed – I hadn't seen him since the party.

He looked at me with his honey eyes, his brown hair damp and sticking to his tanned forehead. I found myself smiling subconsciously before an image of him kissing Mia at the bonfire ripped through my mind. I tore my eyes away.

"Yeah," I said, my voice breaking. I swallowed thickly, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, she's having fun."

"Can't believe it's our last summer together and she's off in Costa Rica," Connor sighed.


"Whatever," he whined. "It's not here, so it sucks."

"Can I read it?" Austin piped in, reaching for the turned over post card. My eyes widened and I snatched it off the counter, quickly shoving it into my duffel bag behind me.

"It's boring," I said quickly. "She just said she's having fun, you know. Met a cute guy. Whatever."

He sent me a suspicious look but relented. "Oh. Okay, then."

It was only then that I noticed Everett was with them, watching me curiously over Austin's shoulder.

"Oh, Everett," I said, trying to change the subject. My face warmed under Austin's stare. "I didn't know you were with them. What, you guys are friends now?"

"Beats sitting at the Shack all day," Everett teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it. Speaking of which..." I trailed off, glancing at the clock. "I finish in, like, two minutes."

"Yes!" Connor grinned, tossing his arms around River and Austin's shoulders while letting out a loud whoop. "Let's take the Nauti Buoy out to Isla."

"Just let me lock up," I said, tugging my duffel bag onto my shoulder. I pulled the shutters closed, bolting them and exiting the Shack, locking the doors as I went. Tom would re-open after his break – Wednesdays were always slow.

By the time I rounded the Shack to the front, River and Connor had already begun racing each other to the boat.

"Ready?" Austin asked. A pressure grew in my chest as I met his eyes and I struggled to find my voice.

"Yep," I said, hoping I sounded less flustered than I felt.

"Hurry up then." I turned to see Everett smirking at me, leaning against the side of the Shack. He quirked a brow, shooting his eyes towards Austin, and I knew he was teasing me. My face heated in embarrassment as I stomped past him.

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