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"COME ON EVERETT!" Connor whooped, throwing a fist in the air.

I sat on my board, tiny waves bumping beneath me as my legs dangled in the water. The water felt cold on my skin, sticking to my sun kissed legs as heat bared down on my face. I lifted a hand to shield my eyes, squinting in the bright afternoon light. 

Everett was near me, preparing to push himself up as a small wave tumbled towards him.

He prepared, then pushed himself up, staggering a bit and struggling to find his balance. He bent his knees, grinning widely as he managed to stand fully on the board and begin to ride the wave.

"You're doing it!" I exclaimed, mostly in disbelief.

"I'm doing it!" Everett shouted, in equal disbelief. His eyes widened and his arms wobbled. "I'm not doing it!"

A small wave bumped at his board and, unable to keep his balance, he tipped sideways, falling straight into the water and splashing me in the process. I laughed through a shiver as the saltwater sprayed at my exposed skin, watching his body sink into the inky waves.

"Bloody Americans," Connor grumbled, immediately disheartened. He sighed, paddling away to catch his own wave.

Everett's long board bobbed in the water and he broke the surface, gasping and grabbing blindly for it. I paddled over, grabbing his arm and hauling him up, out of the freezing waves and onto his board.

"Isla," he sputtered. He wiped the water from his eyes and pushed his dark hair back from his forehead. It had started to tint a lighter brown on the top from the sun, and I thought of the gloomy boy he'd been when he'd first arrived – with his sweatpants and deep frown.

I never would've imagined he'd be surfing with me after work – and I'd be enjoying it.

"Thanks," he said finally, catching his breath.

"You did pretty good," I said, grinning as he attempted to sit on his board. It wobbled beneath him and he struggled for a moment before wriggling on shaky arms to sit across from me, our legs dangling beside each other in the ocean.

"Yeah, well," he turned to me, sending me a wink. "I had a pretty good teacher."

I quirked a brow at him. "Connor's not that good."

"I wasn't talking about Connor."

"Oh," I blinked. "River was barely –"

"I meant you, Monroe," he said, rolling his eyes and kicking his foot lightly to splash me with saltwater. "Don't make me take it back."

"Me?" I laughed, shaking my head. "Why, is that a compliment, Everett? I'm shocked. Truly."

"Don't get your expectations up now," he teased, though a smile tugged at his lips.

"Expectations? About you? Never."

"Well," he paused, meeting my eyes. "Maybe you could get some expectations up."

"Wouldn't want to get my hopes up," I said, shrugging.

His eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed. "Am I really that much of an asshole?"

"No," I said quickly, though he sent me a doubtful look and I released a breath. "Sometimes."

"Okay, so I might've checked you out when we first met –"

"And ditched me on the beach, twice. Didn't show up in the morning without telling me. Called me a second choice." He winced at that and I smiled smugly at him. "Should I go on?"

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