Chapter 4 Part 4: Grinding Stats

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The sun shone brightly as I readied my spells. I smiled viciously at my enemy, who both sweating profusely and cursing very colorfully under his breath. I had mercilessly clawed my way to the final battle of the Combat Wizards Tourny. The best part was there wasn't a capture target in sight! If I had to use game terms, this tourny was filled with a bunch of nameless NPCs that served as leveling fodder. The first few battles were so easy I sincerely worried about the intelligence level of the players. The opponents had gotten progressively better, but it wasn't until the last couple that the skill level wasn't offensive.

My current opponent was in the exact same situation that I was on my first game with Sir Grey. Despite knowing that this was the final game, he had taken one look at me, a young noblewoman, and underestimated my ability. While I hadn't exactly underestimated Sir Grey, I was too star stuck to think straight at first. His turn ends and all eyes fall to me. While I really wanted to produce my best villainess cackle, I suppress my desire and calmly play my hand cleanly killing his last wizard and ending the game. The gathered crowd claps politely but I can tell no one was very excited I had won. Oh well, not that I care.

"Congratulations, miss!" the elderly game master tenderly grasp my hand. He was one of those grandfatherly types, so I couldn't help but smile at him. "It's not often such a young lady shows such talent!" He placed my hand into the crock of his arm to lead me back to the table where everyone had signed up at.

When we arrive at the table a middle-aged man servant greets us.

"Here is your reward, my lady," he says while handing me a sword. My confusion was apparent on my face so the game master felt obligated to explain. "This short sword was crafted by Dragon Scale Armory. I assure you it is of the highest quality."

"Oh - forgive me. I mean no disrespect to the quality of the sword. To be honest, I hadn't considered the rewards at all. I simply entered to have fun."

The old game master chuckled softly. "All the better for it! Here -" he hands me the sword, "keep it for yourself or gift it to a young man!" He says with a wink.

"Thank you very much," I say with a curtsy.

The tourny had taken a couple of hours so the sun was starting to set. The park was clearing out quickly as everyone hurried off to their evening excursions. Not sure what to do now, I take my new sword and head to the park exit.

"Lady Christine!" I hear someone call my name. As I look around to see who had called for me, I see a decidedly attractive man walking with long strides towards me. Ah, yes. My favorite capture target.

"Sir Grey! What a surprise. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask the same, but I couldn't help but to watch your final game, so my curiosity was quickly sated."

"Ah, ha...." I nervously shift suddenly aware of the sword I'm awkwardly holding. There's a small glint in his eye as he notices.

"A Dragon Scale Armory sword?" he asks.

"Yes, so I've been told."

"They make quality weapons. Do you intend on keeping it?"

"Honestly I don't know. I hadn't given any thought to it. I haven't made it to short swords in combat basics. I got stuck with a great sword my first week and mace this week. My arms have turned to jelly!"

Laughing slightly, Sir Grey offers me his arm indicating he intended to escort me out of the park. "That is an unlucky draw for your first two weeks. But, you should consider keeping it for now. At least until you have a chance to see if you have any skill or interest in short swords."

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