Chapter 5 part 2: A Contest of Wits

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Maria didn't have a chance to even sit down before I started pumping her for information about this handkerchief contest. 

"Handkerchief contest?" Maria asks perplexed. "I don't know anything about it."

"Really? Isn't this an event in the game?"

"No. There wasn't anything like this."

"I wonder why? This type of event seems like something that would happen."

"I agree with you. A contest that pits the villainess and the heroine against each other for attention from the capture targets is exactly something that should be in the game. Also, this would be a good spot for CGs." 

Realizing I've been leaning forward causing my back to be stiff, I sit back to relax to enjoy my tea, and think. So we have an event that has all the callings of an otome event yet isn't actually in the game. Is it because this is a game world so it's running on game logic? Will we see similar events that keep the in-world otome theme? 

"What do you know about the 1st prince? He is rumored to attend," I ask. 

"The 1st prince? He's missing." 

"Not according to Lady Veronica. She said he's been in Rubar for 'peace talks' this whole time."

Maria sucks air sharply through her teeth. I can see she is thinking hard. "He's barely mentioned in the game and it clearly states he's been missing." 

"In what context?" 

"What do you mean?"

"How do you find out he has been missing? Does a character tell you?"

"Hmmm..... I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned in Prince Levi's route. But, I can't remember how you learn. I know Prince Levi doesn't mention it. He doesn't mention his brother at all. In fact, I don't think any of the capture targets do."

"So you learn this information incidentally somewhere else in the game." Maria nods. "Ok. Other than in-game, what do you know about him otherwise? You mentioned there's a rumor he is supposed to be one of the capture targets of the sequel. 

"Yes. But it wasn't officially announced. So it was just rumors." 

"But the game sequel was for sure coming out?"

"Yes. There was supposed to be a fan event, but I died before that happened."

"Let me think......." I say more for myself than for Maria. Let's assume the rumors are accurate and the 1st prince is one of the capture targets for the next game. Ok. I'm a game dev. How did this go down? Doki Doki Love Academy is released. Otome games are a dime a dozen and generally sell only to an established fan base. Most of those games don't even make it to the States. 


This one did. It was successful enough in Japan to warrant translation. Ok. So let's assume this is a particularly successful one. Actually. That's a fact. It's getting a sequel. What do sequels need to do? Unlike a movie, you can't just continue the story. The whole point of playing the game is to fall in love. You need new characters. But they have to anchor to the first game. Having a prince is almost a requirement for an otome game. AH HA!

"The 1st prince was never planned!" I say out loud. 


"Doki Doki Love Academy was never initially intended to have a sequel! So when it became successful enough for one they needed to find characters that would transition to the second game. They got lucky because, while Prince Levi is the crown prince, he isn't the only prince. What was intended as just a passing remark to give Levi backstory suddenly needed to become a fleshed-out character. Saying that he disappeared doesn't work for a continuation story. So let's assume Lady Veronica is correct and they changed his whereabouts to be in Rubar to tie him into the assassination storyline..." 

"You don't think he's responsible for it?!" Maria exclaims. 

"If this was an anime, I would totally think that. But he is supposed to be a capture target, so no. I don't think he is involved. I think the game devs needed to add a story in for the 1st prince, so they just fit him in where they could."

"Oh....OH!" Maria suddenly shouts. "What if The Handkerchief Contest is a game promo!!"

"A game promo?"

"Yes! They would release a promo about an event that has all the characters from both games. That way fans of the original can see their favorites interact with the new line up. Usually, this is done a few months before the official launch of the game." 

"OH! You're right!! This event is supposed to have all the eligible unmarried men and women. There would be no other time during the events of the first game to host such an event because the capture targets start going their separate ways." 

"How exciting! We are going to see the capture targets for the sequel!" Maria is bursting with fangirl energy. 

"There's just one problem..... We don't know who any of the other capture targets are other than the 1st prince."

"Oh," she says sullenly. All the joy suddenly vanished. Ah, damn it. Depressed female protagonist is just too pathetic. No wonder the capture targets try so damn hard. 

"Well, how about we have our own game then! Since this event doesn't impact your story at all, let's focus and try to guess who the next capture targets will be! We will make a list and someday we will start hearing about a girl with several men madly in love with her and we will know she is the new main character."

"I love that idea!!" Maria says with a little clap. "By the way, what kind of design are you thinking of making?"

"What do you mean?"

"For the embroidery on the handkerchief. I was thinking I'd do something with lilies!"

"" Do I know how to embroider?? 

Dear game kamisama, please send help!

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