Chapter 5 part 4: A Contest of Wits

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I really hated ditching Maria but I just couldn't stand to have any more of Duke Victor's conversation. Luckily the grounds were so packed and chaotic, I was able to slip away into the crowd. It's kinda a dick move, but I wasn't worried. Maria is the heroine. Even though I can't stand Duke Victor's personality, he is a capture target and will faithfully protect his heroine whether he realizes it or not. And even if Maria did manage to get into any trouble, one of the other capture targets would pop up. Even though I wouldn't mind taking the time to view the gardens, my current objective was to make it inside to the garden event hall. Why? To take this stupid hat off! I wore one out of obligation and can't politely take it off until I'm indoors somewhere. Then I can ditch this damn thing. 

Weaving in out of the groups of people I hear bits of conversation. Groups of ladies trying to deduce what color a particular beau will pick. Young men of prominent standing toy with girls who are trying to learn what color they chose, while men of lesser standing practically calling out to any lady walking by to choose a particular color. As someone who never cared much for Valentine's Day, I was starting to regret ever saying anything bad about it. This was FAR more insane. Valentine's Day only meant something to already established couples (mostly). But since this was basically a giant matchmaking event, everyone was going all out. 

Finally finding the entrance to the hall, I duck inside and quickly find the nearest servant to offload my hat.  She hands me a tag so that I can reclaim my hat later. Typically my maid was supposed to take this, but I had run off on my own so I didn't have anyone with me. Oh well. I don't really care if I recover my stupid hat or not. I shove the ticket into my pockets. Yes. I have pockets. The first thing I did was have all my dresses fashioned with pockets. Lindsay was pretty horrified when I first brought it up, but she did what I asked. Then I started noticing that she also had pockets in her maid uniform. 

Having made it safely to my goal, I finally have a chance to actually take in the sights. The hall was far less busy than outside. The ballroom was currently closed off. It was the largest room and was being prepared for the actual event. Duke Victor had graciously explained the process - one of the only times during the whole carriage ride that he said something worth paying attention to. The ladies go in and pick a handkerchief that has a number pinned to it. She gets a day to work on the design and tomorrow we bring them to the hunt. Before the hunt begins, the ladies try to find the suitor that matches the number. Easy enough, right? Wrong. Victor had mentioned when the doors open it's like the first charge of a battle. He said to not be surprised if there is kicking, pushing, hair pulling, and all-out fistfights to get to the tables first. And the kicker is that no one stops it. The men watch from the second level and cheer the women on like some kind of sporting event. Maria had asked if anyone had been injured but Victor had waved her off. No one would pull a weapon as that would get the guards' attention and come with, at best a hefty fine, at worst a prison sentence. As for the bruises, healers are standing by to flash those away quickly. 

I started wandering the hallways where there were even fewer people. Mostly I passed servents. I found it exciting exploring the various rooms. Not that they had anything too particularly interesting, I fancied myself on a mini-adventure. 

The fourth room I had poked my head into happens to have a lot of books so it gained my attention for further investigation. I walked to a random shelf to inspect what topics there might be. 

The Voltare Horticulture Society Offical Handbook

The Gardener's Botanical

Medicinal Plants: Care and Usage

Fawna and Wildlife of the Northern Counties

The Complete Flower Companion

The Language of ---

"There isn't anything illuminating in this room, sadly," a voice said behind me. Jumping six inches in my skin, I let out a short screech. 

I turn quickly and come face to face with, "Prince Levi!" 

"Forgive me," he says chuckling slightly. "I didn't mean to frighten you." 

"S-sorry," I say, my heart still racing. "If -- I'm just -- that is," I can't make a full sentence to save my life right now. I need to calm down. Taking a deep breath, I start again. "I didn't realize this room was in use. It wasn't my intention to pry. I won't intrude any more --"

"Please stay," he says cutting me off. "That is to say, I am not using this room in any official capacity, nearly as a respite." 

"Ah," I say not knowing what to say. "It is a bit crazy out there," I add in hopes of sounding a bit more conversational. Even though I'm used to the prince going to the academy and I am used to Maria talking about her interactions with him, I, myself, have not had much reason to interact with him. 

"You find me out." 

"How so?"

"The attention that accompanies this event is not something I particularly relish," he says with a sign. 

"Oh, I supposed being the number one capture target does have its disadvantages," I say with sympathy. 

"Capture target?" he asks while cocking an eyebrow at me. 

"Uh....heh...uh...."fuck fuck fuckity fuck. 

He laughs. "How accurate. I suppose I am nothing more than prey at the mercy of a pack of hunters, or should I say, huntresses." 

Thank God he has a sense of humor otherwise would I have been beheaded right there? I must do better. He's the crown prince. I have to set aside my modern sensibilities and remember that I can't speak to him as an equal. 

"I have faith that you are a particularly resourceful prey and will emerge fairly unscathed." 

"Indeed for opportunities present themselves at unexpected times," he says with a grin. 

What dafaq does that mean? I was only extended the metaphor since I needed to keep it up to disguise my blunder, but now I'm totally lost. This kind of double talk - meaningless words with hidden meanings - is not my forte. 

"Indeed," I opt for simple agreement. 

An awkward silent moment passes. Am I suppose to keep the conversation going? What the hell am I suppose to say now? MARIA HELP ME!

A soft knock fills the room. 

Omg! Did she use her heroine powers to come to save me? 

The door opens and Sir Grey appears. "I'm sorry to disturb, Your Highness, but there are a few families we have yet to meet with." 

"It looks likes my respite is over," he says offhandedly as he makes his way out of the room. "Oh Lady Christine," he stops before leaving. 


"May I recommend choosing a light pink handkerchief? I'm sure you would be able to create something quite lovely." 

"Uh...I will certainly try." 

With a bright smile, he leaves the room. Sir Grey pauses a moment to give me a small bow before leaving after him. 

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