Brothers and sister

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Azrael's pov

"So let me get this straight. You want my dagger, so you can send mom far far away from dad?" I asked confused. "Yes isn't that what I said?" Lucifer asks. "No no Lucy I heard you. It's just I can't make it to LA today." I said as I paced around the front porch. "What why," Lucifer asked while being slightly panicked. "Oh my dad, really I have work," I said. "Oh, then I will just come to you," Lucy said. "What no that is not. And you are already here." I say as Lucifer just appeared in front of me. "Well well, little sister. This is a nice house you got." My brother said as he walked up to me. "Lucifer this is my boss's home," I say flatly. "Oh well, that is disappointing." Lucifer mumbles. I roll my eyes and smile. "I need my blade back by tonight because of my night job," I said mumbling the last part. "Oh yes how is that going? You know escorting souls to heaven and hell." My brother says. I glare at him. "Really we are in the presence of mortals," I growl. "Oh, you haven't told them. Hahaha, it is so much easier to just tell them." He adds. "I will personally take you back to hell if you don't take my blade and get out of here," I say with a smile. "Haha thank you, beloved sister. It will be back by 3 am." Lucifer says as he walks off down the steps of Wayne Manor. "DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID WITH IT," I yelled out. Lucifer whips up the middle finger and disappears. I roll my eyes and walk inside. I walk back into the kitchen and see everyone looking at me. "Who was that?" Dick said with a raised brow. "That was my bother. Who decided to show up completely uninvited." I said. "I didn't know you had a brother," Bruce says shocked. "Yeah, I have quite the family," I said smiling. "Do you have other siblings?" Dick asked joyfully. "Actually I do, I have six brothers and one sister," I said smiling. Jason, Tim, and Dick's mouths drop. "And I thought having three brothers was torture," Damian grumbles. "What are their names?"Tim asked. "Well my sister's name is Remiel, but we call her Remi. My oldest brother's name is Amenadiel and the other's name is Michael, Lucifer, Uriel, Gabriel, and Castiel." I announce "Who names their kid Lucifer?" Jason asked with a raised brow. "Our parents apparently, "Lucifer says appearing out of the shadows. Everyone, but Bruce jumps at his voice. "What are you doing here Lucifer?" I say with my arms crossed. "Aww no love your partner in crime?" He asks with a smirk on his face which I know so well. "Alright, what did you do to piss off Amenadiel now?" I ask with a dead expression. "Oh, you will know in a moment," Lucy promised. I turned around and took the dishes from the very confused Waynes "Now what does his little necklace does?" Lucifer says making me freeze. My eyes widened at his words. I set down the dish and turn to him. "Lucy you didn't happen to take the only gift that Dad has ever given him?"I asked with a furious look in my eyes. "Yes I did, now I also need yours." He added. My brows furrowed in confusion. "Why wou.."I quickly cut myself as I realize what he wants to do with the two keys and my sword. Bruce looks between my brother and me "Azrael the boys and I are going to the other room. So you can have a private discussion with your brother." Bruce says. I look at him with sincerity. "Thank you, Bruce." Thank you. He nods his head and leaves the room.

Bruce's pov

The boys and I walk out of the room and go to the study. "Let me guess we are going to spy Azrael and her satanic brother?" Jason says. I nod my head and pull up the security camera in the kitchen. The woman who I had grown to love for was leaning against the corner and seems panicked. "Lucifer do you understand exactly what you are planning to do. The last time the blade was ever used like that was when Eve went against our father's wishes." Azrael said. Confusing all of us. "Yes, Azrael I know what I am doing." Her brother says. "Why would you take this risk, you could send our family swirling into chaos. Hell, you could send everything into chaos." Azrael starts as she rants on. "Azrael I don't care about that. They have Charlie Azrael." Lucifer says. Making Azrael's face contort into worry, confusion, and finally fury. Azrael reaches her hand up to her neck and holds the necklace he has worn every day for the seven years she has known me. "Brother I love you, but you are not getting the key and my blade." Azrael says making her brother's face fall. "We're package deal." she adds. "Azrael you have work." Lucifer says. "Your people have my nephew and I would be damned if I let anything happen to him. Besides I haven't had a vacation in years." Azrael says gaining her brother's attention. "oh wow not even to visit dad on Christmas?" He asks. Azrael raised a brow and gives him the "are you dumb look". "Do you honestly think he would even notice I was there?" Azrael asks making us confused. Lucifer shrugs and stares off. "Good point. Mom would have noticed." Lucifer says making the atmosphere depressed. "Yeah she would have, but not anymore." Azrael whispers sadly and hugs herself. Lucifer wraps his arms around her and hugs her. "I know...I know." Lucifer whispers. "Her mom died." Dick whispers quietly. "How long do you think she passed?" Jason asked. "I have no idea. Azrael never seems sad at work so I wouldn't know. Although last month she did seem depressed at lunch." I state. The boys turn their heads towards me. "So you and Azie are dating?" Dick asks with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and turn back to the screen. "I should have been there. I should have visited her when I had the chance." Azrael wept out. "Ray Ray, no one could have predicted that gunman."He said. Pain erupted in my chest as I remembered my own pain from losing my own parents. Azrael looked up at Lucifer and smirked. "You know you really easy to pickpocket from." Azrael smirked and showed off a shining white blade. The blade seemed to shine in the light and the hilt was made of pure silver. "Tt she doesn't even know to use that thing." Damian growled. Lucifer placed his hand on his chest and faked being offended. "Aww, you hurt my feelings."He pouted. Azrael smirked and raised a brow. "I am going to let Mr.Wayne know that I need to take a day off." Azrael said and turned towards the doors. The boys went flying out the door and down the hall to hide. I quickly grab a magazine and pretend to read it just as Azrael walks into the room. "Mr.Wayne I need to take a day off because of a family emergency." She says as she nears my desk. I pretend to make myself busy as she does. She looks down at my desk and then back up to my eyes. "Take all the time you need Azrael."I reply and go back to faking being busy. "Um, Bruce are you okay?" She asks me with her sweet voice. "Yes, I am just working on paperwork." I excuse. Azrael smiles and bites her lip. She begins to walk out the door. She made it to the door and stops. "I had no idea you were into cosplay." Azrael says smiling making me confused until I look down at my desk and read the headline. "Great Cosplay ideas for sex" by playboy. I look up at her horrified. she laughs loudly. "Its okay Bruce." Azrael says and winks. She goes to leave and I panic. "Azrael."I call out gaining her attention. "Yes, Mr.Wayne?" She says kindly. "I was wondering if Friday evening you are available for dinner?" I asked stoically. Azrael seems shocked by my question, but she quickly covers it up with a smile. "I will add dinner to the schedule Mr.Wayne." Azrael smiles and leaves the room. Suddenly Dick, Jason, and Tim peer into the study. "You and Azrael are actually going for a date?" Dick asks with excitement present in his voice. "Yes, we are." I reply. "Woah WOO, we get to see the beginning of a relationship." Tim cheers. "I didn't say it was the beginning." I state. Dick's face drops. "Wait how long have you been dating for?" Dick asks. I give him the batglare and leave for the cave. Dick follows behind me. "No seriously, have you two been dating since she became your personal assistant?"Dick asks. "It seems I was right to call her a women toy." Damian growls. I stopped dead in my tracks and turn to him. "Azrael and I have been dating for over a year and in that year we have had no relationship like that."I say stoically. "Wait is that why you don't meet up with Catwomen?" Tim ask. I glance at him and sigh. "Yes, that is why I stay away from Selina." I release. "For once old man I agree with your choice in women. Ma is well like our mother and has been for years. Just treat her right and when the time comes tell her about our night job." Jason says with his arms crossed.

Azrael's pov

"So when are you going to tell Mr.Sexy about your night job?" Lucifer asks as we move into the woods to teleport to LA. I sigh loudly. "My love life isn't your concern. Now getting to LA is. So let's get a move on." I urged. "Well someone is serious today," Lucifer grumbled as he teleported us to the elevator of LUX in Las Angeles. He pressed the button for his penthouse and we went up. The elevator pinged and the doors opened. "Well look who I brought," Lucifer says proudly. Mazikeen smirks at me and Amenadiel looks at me shocked. "Azrael?" Amenadiel asks shocked. A blonde-haired woman with glasses looks at me concerned. "In the flesh, "I say holding my arms out. "Um, Amenadiel who is this?" The woman asks. "I am Azrael, the angel of Death."

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