Three Days later

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Bruce's pov

I snuck into the league of Assassins compound fuming with anger. I made my way into Ra's room silently. "Leave and secure the compound," Ra commanded. I waiting for the door to shut until I jumped upon Ra. "Why did you order an attack on Azrael Wayne?" I growled from behind him. Ra clutched his chest. "Detective must you always be lurking around." Ra Al Ghul snapped. I growled venomously at his words. "Azrael has done something to my daughter and we cannot find her," Ra stated. "Well of course you can't find her. She is in hell." Lucifer said emerging from the shadows. "My demons are having plenty of fun with her," Lucifer says. "How dare you enter my home," Ra shouts at Lucifer. "I say it's time for some fun hey Batman?" Lucifer asks with a smirk. I cracked my knuckles and walked towards Ra.

8 hours later
Damian's pov

It has become very worrisome. Umi was supposed to wake a day ago, but she hasn't. I haven't slept in two days and neither has anyone else. "She should be awake by now," Tim said as he paced the room. Father walked into the room with dark circles under his eyes. "B you looked like you got hit by a truck," Dick said. "More like a battering ram," Father answered. "What?" Jason asked furrowed brows. "Nevermind," Father said clearly exhausted. "Bruce you should get some sleep," Dick stated. Father nodded his head and lowered it to rest on the palm of his hand. Soon father was deep into his sleep. Tim pulled his chair to the other side of Umi's bed and laid his head on Umi's other hand. Jason walked over to Tim's side and laid his head on Umi's bed. "Try to get some sleep Dami," Dick said as he too fell asleep. I looked at Umi and saw that she wasn't going to wake up. So I laid my head down on her hand and let myself sleep

I watched as Umi walked into my room. "What is wrong Damian?" Umi asked, face full of worry. "Why did you rescue me from hell?" I asked Azrael. "I know the pain hell causes better than anyone besides the prisoners there and I could not stand the idea of you being in constant pain. You are my son Damian and I am going to do everything in my power to protect you." Umi stated. "My birth mother would never do that," I mumbled hoping she wouldn't hear me. "Damian some people are hurt too much during their lives and they are simply not supposed to have children," Umi said as she sat down next to me. I moved over and laid my head down on her lap. Umi began rubbing my scalp with her soft hands. We sat in peaceful silence as the world moved by. "Umi?" I asked. "Yes, my little angel?" Umi replied. "Why are you so nice?" I questioned. "Well, there are enough rude, mean, and cruel people in the world. So why would I want to add onto that number." Umi proclaimed. I thought for a moment and then nuzzled my head into her leg. "I wish you were truly here," I said in my dream. Then Umi lowered her face to mine and began rubbing my cheek. "Oh, but my little angel I am here. I think you should wake up." Umi whispered to me.

I open my eyes and feel something rubbing my cheek. My eyes widened once I realized what it was. It was Umi's hand rubbing my face. I bolted upright and saw Umi's beautiful, emerald green eyes looking down at me. My breath shuttered as I stared at her. "Shush." She said quietly. I nodded my head quickly. She tapped the spot next to her where my head once laid. I climbed up onto the bed and laid my head down onto Umi's shoulder. "Hello, my little angel," Umi whispered. I let silent tears fall as I nuzzled into her shoulder. "Hello, Umi," I whispered back. I wrapped my arms around her chest and took in her smell. "Thank you for saving us Umi," I whispered. "You are welcome Dami. Now let's get you some sleep. You boys look exhausted. I nodded my let sleep consume me.

Azrael's pov

I watched Damian as he slept peacefully in my arms. Then I felt Tim move on my hand. He lifted his head and his crystal blue orbs stared into my green ones. Happiness flashed over his face and I quickly shushed him softly. He covered his mouth instantly. "Sorry." He whispered. "It's alright Timmy," I whispered back. I then patted the spot next to my side. Tim nodded his head and silently moved onto my bed. Tim wrapped his around my torso and hugged it tightly. I kissed the top of his head. "I will be here when you wake up. I love you." I whispered. "I love you too mom," Tim said softly. I smiled and wrapped my arm around him. I watched his sleep-deprived face fall asleep in my arms. I kissed the top of Damian's head and then Tim's. Suddenly Dick shot upwards with tears streaming down his face. "Dickie it's okay. You are fine, it was just a dream." I cooed quietly. Dick gasped. "Mom you are alright," Dick whispered. I nodded my head. "Yes Dickie I woke up awhile ago, but I didn't want to wake you up. " I whispered. "I missed you," Dick mumbled. "I missed you too Dickie. Do you want to cuddle." Already knowing the answer. Dick nodded his head and laid down and rested his head on my stomach. I rested the tips of fingers on his scalp. I felt someone sit on my bed and hug my other leg. I looked over and saw Jason curling up next to me and using my thigh as a pillow. "Love you Ma." He mumbled. I sighed happily. "I love you too Jaybird." I cooed. Finally knowing that my children were going to rest I turned my attention to my husband. "Here let me help," Lucifer said as he pushed Bruce's chair towards the bed. "Thank you, Lu." I thanked Lucifer. "Don't go all soft on me," Lucifer said. I smiled and looked down at the sleeping boys. "See you later Angry Angel," Lucifer announced. "Bye Lu," I replied and he left the hospital room. I smiled and laid my head on Tim's. I felt a wave of happiness and peace wash over me as I fell asleep.

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