17| Hero

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Chapter 17: Hero (Alex's POV)

I laughed and let out a small scream when he pulled me onto his back. "Bye, Katy!" he called out. 

"Bye, lovebirds!" 

"Shut up!" I called out as we left the cafe. 

"We're going to be late," he sang. 

"And giving me a piggyback ride helps how?" I laughed as he skipped along. 

He had his bag in the front, hanging in front of his chest while I kept mine on my back. "You walk really slow," he shrugged. 

I smacked him before resting my arms around his neck and placing my chin on his head. "Let's skip," I mumbled. 

"For real?" he halted and looked up at me. 

"I don't know, I don't really care right now," I shrugged. 

"Okay, let's skip," he grinned, running right past the entrance to the school. He slowed down after a minute and resumed walking at a regular pace, still refusing to set me down. 

"I can walk," I sang. 

"No, you can't," he said mockingly. 

"I-" I opened my mouth but stopped talking when Hudson popped up in front of us. I forgot he walked this way to get to school. 

"Buzzkill," Carter mumbled under his breath. 

"What the hell are you two doing?" Hudson asked. 

"Nothing," I shrugged. 

"Put her down," he demanded. 

"I don't take orders from you," Carter scoffed. 

"I said, put her down," Hudson stepped forward, ready to reach out and yank me off of Carter. 

"Hold on, princess Alexandria," Carter mumbled before running into the traffic and crossing the street and then running off. 

"Carter!" I gasped, my grip on him tightening as we turned out of view. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I said while trying to look behind us. 

We could have been run over. 

He stopped and finally put me down before spinning around to face me while pulling his bag off. "What?" he asked. 

"We could have been run over!" I exclaimed. 

"I wouldn't let that happen to you," he said while taking a step closer. 

"That's not something that's in your control!" I huffed. 

"I said, I wouldn't let that happen to you. I knew what I was doing. It was clear apart from one car. Relax." He looked around before turning back to me, "And I saved you from Hudson so..." he trailed. 

"Thanks, you're my hero," I rolled my eyes, talking sarcastically. 

"Of course, I am. Come on." He grabbed my hand and began tugging me along. 

"Where are we going?" I sighed, following him anyway. Not that I had another choice because his hand was still holding mine. "Carter, you're insane." I pulled him to a halt, making him turn to face me. 

"Hmm," he nodded. 

"I'm being serious." 

"Mm-hmm," he nodded again. 

"Carter, stop," I huffed. 

"I know you're being serious, so am I. I know I'm insane. I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry." He put a hand on his heart and stuck his bottom lip out at me. 

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