50| Epilogue

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Chapter 50: Epilogue (Alex's POV)

I pulled my seatbelt on while Carter put my bag up in the compartment above our seats. We had about five minutes till take off now so all we had to do was wait. Our dads were sitting a few seats down and we had seats here, a little closer to the back. He sat beside me and I linked my arm with his, resting my head on his shoulder. 

Fall break came so quick, it's insane how our time flew by. "I can't wait for you to meet my grandparents, they're gonna love you so much," he chuckled. 

"I'm nervous," I sighed, "What if they don't like me?" 

"Don't be stupid. They are going to fall in love with you. It's impossible not to," he grinned down at me. 

I chuckled while turning to face him. "You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend," I scoffed. 

"No, I'm saying that because I fell in love with you even when I tried resisting." I looked at him in confusion. "I wasn't sure at first if you even liked me. So, I never tried anything, just stuck to being your friend who you flirted with. Then I fell in love with you, that was my end," he sighed for dramatic effect. I smacked his chest while he smiled. "They're going to love you, don't sweat it," he kissed my forehead. 

I whined, my foot bouncing off the ground repeatedly. "Alex," he huffed, placing his hand on my thigh and suppressing my leg. "Breathe," he chuckled, "And go to sleep." 


I stirred awake, my eyes opening to our car parked in a driveway. I was a little confused about where we were staying because I don't know where his grandparents stay and they might not live anywhere near mine. I rubbed my eyes before stepping out of the car when I saw Carter grabbing his bags with mine. "Hey," he smiled before closing the trunk. "Your dad is in there with your grandparents," he said while placing my bag on the porch. 

"Where are you staying?" I asked. 

"Down there," he said, pointing to the house right in front of my grandparents'. 

"Our grandparents are neighbors?" I asked, surprised. I come here almost every other summer, how have I never seen him here? 

"Yup, weird how we were never here at the same time," he laughed while carrying my bags inside for me. 

My dad was in the kitchen on the phone with someone but he hung up a moment later. "Your grandparents are asleep, you can meet them tomorrow morning. Both of you," he said looking at us. 

We nodded in sync and Carter carried my bags up to the guest room for me. "Thank you," I sighed while pulling him into a hug. He squeezed me tightly and my body relaxed against his. 

"I'll see you tomorrow morning. I love you," he pecked my lips. 

"I love you," I smiled before he said bye and then left. I changed into my pajamas and collapsed onto the bed, falling asleep pretty instantly. 

I woke up the next morning and crawled out of bed. I freshened up, brushed my teeth, and then went downstairs. "Oh, Alexandria! Look at you, all grown up!" Grandma gushed, walking over to me with her arms stretched out. 

"It's Alex, grandma," I said, grunting while she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug before pinching my cheeks. "Ouch," I mumbled, rubbing my cheeks. 

"Alex." Grandpa walked over to me with his arms out as well. "Don't pinch her so hard, Glen. Look at what you've done," he scrunched up his nose and my grandma before hugging me. 

"Thanks, grandpa," I chuckled. 

"Come on, we made you pancakes," he grinned. 

"We?" Grandma arched an eyebrow at him. 

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