33| Guilty

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Chapter 33: Guilty (Alex's POV)

It was now Sunday and we had made a plan to go bowling once again. Carter wanted to invite Zach so we did and he said he would bring someone with him. Carter and I headed inside where Connor and Hannah were already waiting. We all greeted each other and then Zach showed up shortly after. 

With Abby. 

"Hi," she smiled. 

"Hi," I smiled back at her. 

"All right, we'll split up. Three teams or two or two teams of three?" Zach asked. 

"Let's do three teams of two," Connor agreed. So we split up. Carter and I. Connor and Hannah. Zach and Abby. Which was stupid because Carter and I would definitely win. 

And we did. 

I laughed while turning around and taking the last shot and knocking all the pins down. 

"Where the hell did you learn to bowl like that?" Zach asked. 

"My dad taught me," I replied while Carter hugged me while chuckling. 

"I should have warned you guys," Hannah sighed. Carter gave me a quick kiss before he went with Zach and Connor to get some snacks. 

"Alex, can I talk to you for a minute?" Abby asked. 

"Yeah, sure," I stood up and she followed me to a secluded corner. Hannah shot me a confused look and I simply nodded at her. 

"I've always been horrible to you. Especially since Carter said you were his girlfriend that day. I know it was a lie but uh..." she chuckled awkwardly, "I shouldn't have done that. I should have just been mature about the situation and spoken to you or Carter like a normal person does. I feel really um-" 

"Guilty?" I prompted. 

"Yeah," she said while staring down. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry," she apologized. 

"It's okay," I smiled. 

"Really? You're going to forgive me that quick?" she asked in disbelief. 

"Yeah," I shrugged, "Forgiven and forgotten. Sounds good?" 

She nodded with a smile, "Thanks." 

"So," I began, "Zach is nice, right?" I asked. 

"Really nice," she said while staring at him. 

"You should hang out with him. He's a really nice guy." 

"I know, it's just weird. He's really nice to me, I haven't had that before," she said. 

"Me neither. But you should take the chance. I can say it's worth it," I smiled. We headed back after that and sat down. 

"Where'd you go?" Carter asked, pulling me in the seat beside his. 

"She wanted to talk," I said quietly. He raised his eyebrows at me questioningly. "It's okay. She just felt bad," I whispered. 

"You're too kind to people," he mumbled. 

"That's why I'm going to heaven," I said while eating a french fry. 

"You said you'll come to see me," he smirked. 

"I might," I shrugged while smiling. 


I turned to him as he turned off his car in my driveway once he had brought me back home. "Come over," he said. 

"We've got school tomorrow, I can't," I replied. 

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