Chapter 7 - My spot

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There wasn't much you'd do on a daily basis; the hotel wasn't any different from the palace; wake up, eat, make sure Charlie was ok, laze around and the latter was pretty much the routine. Luckily Charlie had a library in the hotel, one which was filled with some earthly literature.

After weighing out the options of sleeping, Voxflix and reading you decided on reading considering you haven't delved into much mortal literature since your fall. This could have been because Luci's despise of the humans or just your busy schedule when you were captain of the guard or escorting Charlie wherever she went.

But back to your journey! You waited patiently in the elevator as it ascended to the entertainment level which held a game room, a cinema and, most importantly, the library.

At the end of the hall was a wooden door, arched in shape. Metal framing built up intricate designs which eventually met to create a handle holding a lock. Twisting the cold metal you pushed it open revealing a dusty and rather old library despite the fact the hotel was nowhere near the age it exuded.

Then there was Heavens library. You remembered the bright light streaming through glass panes with holy depictions in colours of all sorts. Each shelf was dustless and pristine white; the books just the same though despite their hardcover colour they all reflected golden light which was taxing on the eyes at night.

Inside the ancient like space of this hell of a library (haha puns), shelves towered high, reaching the second floor then so on until what seemed to be the 4th or 5th floor. For every shelve was a ladder that slid across the aisle to reach books at the very top. There were desks set orderly every few shelves, a stereotypical green lamp to every two chairs. At the very end of the room was a fireplace with two armchairs and a long couch, and from what you could tell, a small coffee table at the centre. That fireplace may be a fire hazard so you'll have to inspect it later. Walking forward and past the two swirling staircases which led upwards, you felt the microfiber fabric of the couch, now seeing the soft matching pillows set at each end, a lovely red blanket draped over one corner.

All these floors... they must have the book you're looking for, right? Luckily for you, Charlie had the decency to place signs up directing new comers to each section. Wandering down the fiction floor you were directed to the right; Classics. You've heard of this book plenty of times over the decades its been around, and its been around for a fair few so that should say something. Tracing your fingers against the spines of dozens upon dozens of classics it all ranged from centuries in the past all the way to modern day classics.

Then there it was: The Great Gatsby (Look I know this is like the 274983 fic I've mentioned this book in but I'm sorry its such a great book!)

Taking out the hardback blue book you stare at the wonderful cover art depicting a disembodied mouth and eyes; the eyes reflecting a nude woman laying down. The explosion of colours under the face trails your eyes along the cover, unconsciously you walk back to the main hall where the fireplace was situated, practically begging to be lit up to contribute to the cosy feeling that was being radiated.

Now settled on the left side of the couch you drape the red blanket over your legs before opening up the book to its first page. Immediately you were engulfed in the words, the story flowing easily. Depictions of the mortal word captured your interest; though you could see earth from heaven you could never experience it; the closest replacement being literature.

"You're in my spot," conjuring your blade and bringing it to the intruders neck you look up to see Alastor grinning smugly.

"Jesus, creepy much?"

"No, just quiet," you roll your eyes and adjust the blanket. "But like I said, you're in my spot,"

"Does it have your name on it? Didn't think so," you fluff up the pillow before getting back to your book.

"How about we compromise?" He walks around to the front of the couch and picks you up.

"What are you doing?!" You try and pry yourself out his arms only for him to turn around and sit on the couch, settling you in his lap.

"Better?" You were lost for words, a prominent blush rushing to your cheeks. "Are you feeling alright, darling?" He brings a hand to your cheek, taking your temperature. "You're awfully warm,"

"I- I- Uhm..." Alastors amused grin widened at your stutter, he takes the blanket and places it over both of you.

"A little tense?" His hands curl over your shoulders. The sudden ringing of your phone seems to startle you both, you more evidently. Clambering off Alastor after gaining back awareness you pick up the phone.


"Sister! How are you?" Lucifers voice greets you.

"Hey, Luci, I'm good-"

"Yes yes, so are you enjoying yourself?" The king of hell smirks as he waits for your answer.

"E-enjoying? What-?"

"You know what I mean! Are you enjoying your time with Alastor? Sitting on his lap made you so flustered!" Letting out inhuman noises as Alastor grinned in delight at the wonderful reaction.

"I- what? How do you- Luci??"

"I'll have to thank Razzle and Dazzle for being such good goat spies!" Your eyes trail upwards to the second floor where Razzle was holding a phone and capturing pictures while Dazzle ate popcorn.

"Why you-!"

"Ciao!" The call ended and the goat demons knew what was coming. Letting your wings appear you shoot into the air and land on the second floor.

"Give me that damn phone, Razzle!" You call after the snickering pair as Alastor picks up your fallen and book and tucks it under his arm, swiftly leaving you to take your revenge.


Razzle and Dazzle give me life

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Razzle and Dazzle give me life

- Anna ❤️

Deals with the Fallen: Alastor x fallen fem!Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now