Chapter 25 - Useless

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Not enough time. There was not enough time to get the evidence needed to prove to you Gabriel had ulterior motives. Maybe, if they had one more day? Maybe if they were successful with getting that evidence... It wouldn't come to this.


"Morning Mrs Malitia," Your eyes open to greet the girls. (I figured I'd make Gabriels last name Malitia)

"Not yet, Mariam," You chuckle and get out of bed. "I'm so excited!"

"Morning!" Lucifer walks into the room in all his glory causing the girls to attack him with pillows. "I hate you all,"

"Thanks, Lucifer," Anna said sarcastically.

"Let me talk to my sister alone, ladies," your friends groan and storm out. "You ready?"

"More than," you reply as Lucifer places a hand on your shoulder and smiles softly. "Thank you for coming up here, Luci,"

"Anything for my little sister," He places a soft kiss on your forehead before rubbing the sides of your arms. "Now go get ready," he walks out the door only to be attacked again with pillows. "ANNA! MARIAM!" your best friends lock the door behind them and giggle.

"You two are so dead,"

"He doesn't have the guts-"

"I SO DO!" the king of hell shouts from the other side of the door.

"Apple pie, calm down," Lilith coos making the girls laugh.


The day was spent having fun with music and skin care products. Everyone happily crowded the room to get ready, of course Lilith was the only one properly getting ready. Pictures were taken when the flower girls were all ready. They really looked like the most perfect couple; Charlie and Vaggie were made for each other.

Niffty looked like the cutest little demon in her dress, she even practiced walking slowly instead of scurrying by. Angel looked his usual glamorous self while he made Nuggs look his very best.

Then there you were, staring at yourself in the mirror, all ready for your big day. You were beautiful. Tears started to well up in your eyes making Charlie fan the magazine again, Lilith holding onto your hand tight.

"I'm telling you, Husker my fellow, let them take their time," Husk burst through the door with a grumble but stopped when he saw Angel all dolled up. "You see? They're nearly-" Alastor's words got lost as he looked at you in the eye.

You seemed even more angelic than before. Was it possible that you were glowing? Or was it just the light? He didn't know... He was too shocked, mesmerised, speechless, call it what you will.

"Y/n..." was all he could muster. "You look... gorgeous," you blush deeply at the compliment before thanking him quietly. The other girls stared as you and Alastor stared softly at eachother, then to Husk and Angel who were undressing each other with their eyes, though now there was more to undress with Husk now that he was in human form.

"Is everything ok?" Lilith asked with a smirk.

"Uhm, yeah, no, sorry, I just got a little impatient... you guys get back to... whatever you's was doing," Husk mumbles before walking out the door hurriedly.

"Adorable," Niffty giggled, referring to either you and Alastor or Husk and Angel. Maybe both.

"We'll be on our way," Alastor tips his hat and stumbles out the door, closing it behind him. A few girls laughed at his nervous stated as you shake your head, unaware to the real reason they laughed. Alastor placed a hand on his heart and took a breath, his heart was racing, he couldn't get you out his mind.

Then it dawned on him... You weren't dressed up for him... you weren't getting married to him... you weren't his...


Clutching the blooming flowers tight you had Lucifer standing by your side, in place of what would have been your father. You were glad though, Lucifer was a much better option. Seconds turned to minutes and you were starting to become impatient. Why weren't you walking down the aisle??

"Hey, Lilith, whats going on?" Anna spoke over the phone to the queen who replied unsurely.

"I'm not sure, Gabriel hasn't arrived yet, no one can find him,"

You let out a sigh and passed Lucifer your flowers. "I'll find him,"

"Wait-" but you were gone down the hall before anyone could intervene. Grasping at the fabric of your dressed you walked down the halls checking every room until you heard noise behind the very last door at the end of that hall.

"Gabriel, honey, are you in here?" Opening the door you walk in quietly, peering around the corner of the door. "Gabriel-" Your heart dropped. No, it shattered and each shard pierced your dignity and pride. "Gabriel what are you... doing?"

That warm fuzzy feeling each bride was meant to have on her special day was replaced with disgust, sadness and anger.

You forgave him and this is how he treats the very love you gave back. You were surprised... but at the same time you weren't. Who could be? When they make the same mistake as before it seems almost natural, normal, forgivable even.

But this wasn't that type of mistake, this was a situation of 'fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me'.

You were not going to let a third time happen.



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- Anna ❤️

Deals with the Fallen: Alastor x fallen fem!Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now