Chapter 9 - Aquarium

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You sat at the front next to the driver who you remembered to be named Vince, a sloth demon who ironically had the fastest reaction time in all of hell! He was a F1 racer back when he was alive, one you noticed Luci took a liking for. Then when Lucifer found out he had gone to hell he was quick to hire him, though he was sceptical of the fact he was a sloth demon.

Having a lovely conversation with Vince, eventually he pulls up at the aquarium. As everyone piles out of the limo you hand Vince some money for food.

"Are you sure you don't want to come along?"

"N... o... th... ank... you..." you nod and get out the car, watching him drive away at full speed.

"Come on, Aunty!" Charlie starts to drag you by the hand towards the entrance. Stumbling a bit you eventually catch up with her and the rest.

"Tickets, please," The octopus demon with a sinister smile holds out one of his tentacles for the tickets. You hand them over, he scans each one and lets you all in. "Have a nice time, sugar,"

"Thanks..." you say with an awkward laugh, quickly walking away as the group follow, everyone giving the sea creature a disapproving glance; Alastor, being the only person to retaliate, lights the ticket attendants seat on fire.

Once he caught up with the group you were handing everyone a sum of cash for food; and it was quite a lot knowing this place will be overpriced.

"Everyone have their hellphone on them?" They all hold up their phones like school children which you chuckle at. "There's enough money there for food and a souvenir. Don't get lost. Don't talk to strangers. Stay with your partner. Lastly, do not leave the aquarium without telling me, ok?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Charlie salutes as the rest nod in agreement to the terms.

"You may all go," they all easily depart as you grab the handle that came with the poodle leash bag you bought for niffty. "Where to first, Niffty?"

"JELLYFISH!" She zooms off only being held back by you. Alastor chuckles, following along, as he watches you try and keep up with the hyper little cyclops demon.


Letting the leash unlock and expand and retract freely you and Alastor walked side by side, keeping an eye on Niffty who was zig zagging from each window.

"Favourite sea creature?" You turn to Alastor who had broken the long silence.


"I asked what your favourite sea creature was... I thought it was a fitting conversation starter considering..." he waves his hand around gesturing to the fish. "This,"

"Hmm... sea otters! They are the cutest things!"

"I think they're two exhibits away," Alastor points to the map that he held incase you three got lost.

"Perfect!" You pull yourself eyes away from the map and continue the conversation. "What about you?"

"Dumbo Octopus, I think they are the best inhabitants of the sea,"

"Whatever! Sea otters are way better,"

"Have you ever seen a dumbo octopus?" You think for a while which gives Alastor the perfect answer. "I'm guessing not... the otters will have to wait! To the octopus enclosure!" In a sudden movement Alastor took your hand and sped away, following the map. Poor Niffty was dragged all the way there!


You couldn't deny the fact that those dumbo octopi were the most adorable thing in the universe... this may have swayed your ranking of favourite animals. You both reached the kid section which held a tide pool; obviously you had to go there for Niffty's sake... and maybe yours too. As Niffty poked at the sea slugs you hesitated to pick up a star fish, you watched as the other demons did it easily which only made you frown.

"They're not that bad," Alastor simple picks up the star fish and places it in your hand. Immediately you yelled and squirmed causing him to laugh.

"Ew ew! Get it off!" The Radio demon thinks for a while before shaking his head. "I don't want to drop it! But it's so- eck!" You feel the suction on the star fish stick to your hand. "Alastor!!" You plead as he finally stops laughing.

"Alright, calm down, my dear!" He takes the animal out of your hand and gives you a handkerchief.

"You're an arse," you grumble, wiping your hand with the cloth and giving it back to him. Suddenly Niffty pulls you away and to a photo booth. "Niffty, slow down, sweetie!"

"Can we take some photos??" She points to the free booth which seemed to be decently priced, surprisingly.

"Of course," you place in some cash into the slot as Niffty pushes both you and Al into the booth.

"Ok, ok! What background?" Though you gave input on preference Niffty decided you and Alastor had no taste. "Smile!" The flashes went off as each photo was taken but it seemed something had caught little miss Niffty's eye outside the booth. She jumped over both your laps and out the booth tugging you away from your seat, making you tackle Alastor just as the last flash went off.

Groaning at impact you feel the leash go limp in your grasp. Rubbing your forehead you look down at Alastor who was doing the same. When his eyes opened and met yours you realised the close proximity, blushing and moving away.

"Niffty!" You call out, looking in every direction which she could have gone off to; it didn't help that there were multiple exits. "Dammit..." you pick up your bag and the broken leash. "She'll be fine... she'll be ok... it's fine!" You mumble to yourself and pick up the map Alastor had dropped. "Let's go this way," you point to the middle exit and walk forward.

"Yes, I'll be right there," Alastor looks back to the booth and takes the two strips of photos. The first two pictures were alright, you and Niffty making silly faces as Alastor smiled in confusion. Then you putting up the peace sign as Niffty's head turns to look out the booth. Finally, the last photo was of you colliding with Alastor, your faces inches apart, your arm being tugged by the leash and out the booth.

The Radio demon seemed to give a sincere smile before placing the two photos in his inner suit jacket pocket. Soon he caught up with you.


I would do art on how I imagined this scene but I'm just- not that capable especially in this economy!!!

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I would do art on how I imagined this scene but I'm just- not that capable especially in this economy!!!

- Anna ❤️

Deals with the Fallen: Alastor x fallen fem!Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now