Arc 2: Chapter 33

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The play was being showcased in the biggest theatre in the capital of Elaelind. Many carriages surrounded the area, waiting to be allowed to enter the theatre. Elenor thought they were going to be halted due to the crowd of carriages but somehow, they were able to pass through, cutting every carriage in line.

Elenor didn't say anything since she knew because this was a royal carriage, they were the first priority. She liked the privilege she was having but it didn't last long.

"...Lloyd didn't you agree that we would be sitting in the noble seats.."

"Eh really?" he answered back, looking everywhere but her eyes.

Elenor glared at him, "Why are we sitting in the royal sitting area!?"

"Hm I don't know what you're talking about Elenor," Lloyd muttered.

She was going to say more but Lloyd quickly ran away, greeting other nobles who had come to give their greetings. Elenor clicked her tongue before massaging her temples. She wished she didn't trust that idiotic prince.

"Milady shall we take a seat?" Alec softly spoke to her.

His voice was quiet yet strangely loud in her ears. The voices around her seem to have tuned out, only Alec's voice could still be heard. She glanced at Alec before nodding. She's already here so might as well stick with it and come up with ways to get revenge on Lloyd.

She took a seat and immediately felt like she was in cloud nine. The cushions on the seat were like clouds! This type of chair was only for royalty which made Elenor feel like it was unfair but understandable. Royals always get the best and highest quality amongst everyone. Her thoughts of revenge flew out the window, wanting to cherish this blissful moment in this chair which felt softer than any beds she had slept on.

Elenor noticed Alec was still standing beside her, not taking a seat although it was prepared for him. Since he was a butler there was no way he would be able to get a seat here but since Elenor brought him, Lloyd allowed.

"Alec you aren't going to sit?" she asked, sitting up straight.

She was still in public so she must act like a marquess daughter. She can't stain her family's reputation.

Alec shook his head, "I'm only a mere butler, these things aren't meant for me."

Elenor was stubborn so she kept pestering him, "Sit down with me, Lloyd already gave his approval so it's fine. Plus you don't look like a butler. You look the part so don't worry so much."

Alec sighed, "I'll only sit once his highness comes back and the play begins."

Elenor nodded, satisfied that she at least got him to sit later. She glanced around from the top of the theatre. Most of the nobles sat below while the higher status like royals and dukes could sit above. Marquess could too but often it was only royals and dukes.

Elenor could feel a glare on her. She glanced around and from the corner of her eye, she noticed Isabella who was glaring at her. Her hands gripping her fan so tight that it looked like it might break anytime soon.

Elenor wanted to mess with her a bit so she looked at her directly in the eye before a smug smile bloomed across her face. Isabella frowned but then a small smile formed on her lips, startling Elenor. Before anything else happened, Lloyd came back to where they were seated. Elenor realised Isabella was smiling because Lloyd was beside her.

"I see you have taken a liking to the seats," Lloyd laughed as he took a seat as well.

"Yeah these seats are like clouds," Elenor snuggled into the chair.

"But! Don't think I won't get my revenge on you for lying," she added as she pointed at him.

Lloyd pouted and lightly whined, "And I thought I got away with it!"

Before they could speak more, the lights dimmed down and the chatters around them became silent. The large curtains began moving slowly and the play soon began. Elenor was immersed in it, every time there was a scene whether it was sad, happy, lovely, she would have a reaction.

The play was a common romance troupe with a happy ending. It was about a commoner couple where the man turned out to be a son of a noble. Because of this, he had to leave his lover but promised her he would come back and marry her. His lover kept his promise to her heart and never loved any other man, awaiting for her lover to return to her.

They both had their ups and downs, fighting for their love and at last they were able to return to each other and marry. It was sappy but Elenor would give it a 10 out of 10. However, she didn't notice someone staring at her the whole time she was watching the play.

"The play was good!" Elenor beamed as she clapped for the actors who were bowing.

"Hm it was, I wouldn't mind watching it another time," Lloyd chimed in, nodding in satisfaction.

"What about you Alec? Did you like it?" she asked, turning her attention to her butler.

Alec smiled and nodded, "It was interesting,"


"Your reactions, that is."

"Sorry? What did you say?" Elenor couldn't hear what he had said, the place was getting quite loud now that the play was over.

Alec shook his head, "Nothing milady, we should head out soon."

She was going to agree with him when all the lights went out abruptly. Everyone flew into panic, not knowing what was happening. Elenor could hear the guards trying to calm everyone down and Lloyd had gone to see what was happening with the sudden outbreak.

"Milady please stay close to me," she hears Alec speaking close to her.

Elenor was trying to get adjusted to the darkness. She could see figures moving around frantically. The doors to leave the theatre were glued shut meaning nobody could come in or leave. She tried to stay calm as she continued to observe her surroundings more.

"A-" her mouth was covered with a cloth making her unable to speak.

Elenor kept struggling, trying to remove the cloth around her mouth but her movements became sluggish and her eyelids were slowly closing. She tried to reach out to where Alec was but felt nothing but air. As she slowly felt unconscious, she realised too late that she had inhaled chloroform into her system.


Author's note: so I have read all your comments and opinions on which idea and damn it's so close between one another (o゜▽゜)o☆

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