Chapter 7 Date Day has Arrived! Part 3

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Author Note/AN: Sorry for the long chapter last time, I had a writers inspiration and adrenaline.
(Y/n) POV
It's been about an hour and darling still isn't back yet which is starting to make me even more worried than I was 30 minutes ago.

I'm bouncing my leg up and down whilst biting at my fingers even though I'm not even biting my nails. 'If this keeps up I might just have a panic attack..'

I'm already breathing strangely but not enough to be noticed.

Suddenly I hear two familiar men voices shouting profanities at someone.

I look up and see a group of police officers escorting the two men to me but what makes my heart stop is-

Darling. She's standing there smiling at me but.. with a bruised lip and cheek? I stand up dropping the towel that was wrapped around me and running to the group.

The men growl and start yelling their profanities at me but stop when the officers shake them up.

I avoid them and run straight into my girlfriend's arms hugging her tightly.

I hear her giggle and hug me back. I shed a few tears before finally looking up at her and giving her a passionate and loving kiss. She wraps her arms around my waist as I rest my arms on her shoulders. We reluctantly stop kissing so we can look back at the police and boys.

I can feel darling still holding me in her arms as I rest my head on her shoulder.

They grumble before getting hit once more by the officers. Surprisingly the two boys are more ruffed up than darling, strange. The tallest speaks first, still in handcuffs, "We're very sorry for what we did to you and promise we won't do it again." He was very sarcastic and definitely not sorry.

The officer sighs, "Well let's see how sorry you'll be in front of the judge. Arthur Faine and Lin Qui, you are under arrest for assault, sexual assault and kidnapping." They physically turn white and quickly change their attitude and start pleading, begging, anything to get them out of this situation.

Another officer comes up to us, "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you both to come with us just to ensure your safety and too also question you on what happened from your point of views." I go back to hugging darling, knowing that she'll handle this, 'Yeah I shouldn't be letting her do this by herself but, she's a yandere and have you SEEN their acting skills?'

I can hear the muffled chatter of my girlfriend and the officer, 'Ah.. Im tired..' I yawn into her lower neck. She seems too feel this as the next thing she does is walk over to a bench—with me still in her arms—and continues to talk with the authorities.

'All that worrying must have really took a tole on my body... I'm just happy she's back. I'll have to scold her for making me worry so much.... but for now I'm just glad.. I have her back....' The last thing I think of, is different evil plans to deal out as punishment for my darling.
Timeskip to the next day brought to you by Yuno, she's such a waifu though..
3rd Person POV
After (Y/n) had woken up she was met with some unexpected news. Kirikaku told (Y/n) that the two guys—Arthur and Lin—were taken away and are now starting to get scheduled for court. Apparently this hadn't been the first time these two did this and the law, court and police figured they would need a more elaborate trial.

The two also went to the police station to be questioned and in the end went home peacefully. Since Kirikaku and (Y/n) are each in high school and legally not adults yet the school along with the lawyers figured it was better to leave them out of the actual court meeting and instead use the information given to the court. Of course they would need detailed information but Kirikaku said she would handle it. (I know this isn't how actual court works but just work with me here)

The two went home at around 4:00 in the morning. Thankfully this all happened in one day—and some—so now they get to rest easy.

So now we are leaving off with (Y/n) and Kirikaku waking up at noon.

(Y/n) POV

I'm woken up thanks too giggles—brought by my darling—and a hand moving my bangs/hair.

"Ahhh, (Y/n). How did I ever get such a cutie pie for a girlfriend hmmm?" Kiri's voice is loving and gentle, "You're my everything. I'm so glad you loved me back, if not.. then I'd have to take different routes.." She giggled dangerously. I sweat drop, "I don't think I'd like those other routes that much.." I nervously chuckle and turn around to look up at her. She giggles, "Then it's a good thing you didn't have too see them." She gives me another innocent smile, 'Pfft, innocent my ass..'

I yawn and roll over into her side making her laugh, "Ara ara~ clingy now aren't we?" I can tell she's teasing but I'm too tired to care.

"Well how about I make (F/b) (Favorite breakfast) and we can watch (F/m) (Favorite movie) in the living room."

I gasp and roll out of bed so fast I accidentally splat on the floor, "ACKH!" She laughs, "Let's get dressed first, wake up and thennn eat. Okay my little muncher?"

I blush at my embarrassing fail and nickname but get up nonetheless.

'Smooth (Y/n) real smooth.'

My Yandere GirlfriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant