Chapter 20 Soup Spilled

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(Y/n) POV

(Who's everyone's favorite character/characters?)

We ran to the infirmary and Ai swung open the door, making a loud sound which probably startled everyone inside.

"How's Mitsuo!" Ai runs over to the group surrounding a bed.

"Shhhh!" Everyone turns and places a finger on their mouth. Ai covers her mouth.

Sun, Ena, and Sakae are there. 'I wonder if everyone else knows..'

It seems like the nurse isn't here right now, what was her name again? Mrs. Shio. Yeah, I remember her now even though I've barely met her.

"What completely happened?" Darling questions as we reach the edge of the bed.

They all look uneasy, like they don't want to answer. Sun takes the lead suddenly, "He was seemingly knocked out by a blunt object to the back of the head. We don't know what happened clearly since he has yet to wake up. He had originally been at the hospital, but after he had gotten checked if it was life threatening, which it wasn't, they agreed to let us take care of him. He was found outside of the teachers lounge where Mrs. Kawa found him."

Suddenly the door opens again, a lot more calmer than when Ai opened it.

It was Mrs. Kyohaku.

"I heard that Mitsuo got hurt." Her eyes lower.

If looks could kill, we wouldn't be here right now that's for sure. I don't think it was meant for us in general, she was probably thinking about whoever did it.

"Yes.. ma'am.. he did. He was knocked out." Sakae looks nervous.

"I see." She walks over to the bed. She stares for a moment before turning back around and walking towards the door, "Once he's woken up. Come to my office immediately. I mean it." Those last three words pierce the atmosphere giving everyone a small prick of fear.

"Yes.. ma'am." Sun was able to spit out though it was with much strain.

And with that, the grim- Mrs. Kyohaku leaves.

Ai let's out a loud breath, "My god! I thought that she was going to kill us! She never ceases to scare adults and kids. It's surprising that she even has this job." Ai looks drained.

Suddenly a miracle happens as everyone hears a groan.

We all look to a shuffling Mitsuo. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around at all of us.

"Eh...? What am I doing here?" His voice is raspy. Darling hands him a cup of water which he thanks her for.

Right, forgot she's technically a nurse.

Ai suddenly shouts out in joy and tackles the poor boy into a hug, "OOF!"

"Hey get off him, he just woke up!" Ena grabs Ai and attempts to drag her off. She doesn't seem to budge much so Sakae joins in.

Sun, darling, and I sweatdrop. This looks like human tug of war.. 

They finally manage to rip her off of Mitsuo but fall to the ground.




(Who do you think is which?)

Sun sighs.

"Do you remember anything?"

Mitsuo thinks for a second before nodding, "Yeah. I remember that I was in the science room after school." Sun raises a brow, "Why were you there?"

My Yandere GirlfriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ